Top 10 Pictures That Look Like Someone Got Photoshop Happy10. Cookie Cutter HousesThe third world is striving for the American dream and one of the components of this dreamis a house in the burbs. In true capitalist form developers across the third world cutcosts by creating whole housing suburbs with the exact same buildings, covering hundredsof acres. This cuts down on the cost of building the houses but makes every single one lookexactly the same. What a nightmare every time you were stumbling home after a night outon the town.9. Endless LibrariesCenters of learning in places such as China and Germany have taken areas of mass studiesto new heights! Behold the open pit mines of knowledge! Designed to be open and freesome libraries end up looking like some sort of dystopian future right out of 1984.8. American industrial mightLate in the game America finally entered WWII. Once committed it began to fully utilize itsincredible industrial might. Assembly lines in factories throughout America churned outhundreds of planes, all to rain death down upon the Axis. These planes could be pumpedout at all hours of the day and night. Look at that last image; it was taken in October1942 at the B-25 bomber assembly hall in Kansas City. It isn't a colorization but an actualcolor picture taken in 1942 using color film. What we sometimes forget is that the WWIIwas in color, vivid Technicolor.7. Lego Warehouse in heavenFounded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen, LEGO is one of the most successful toy companiesin the world. Since its birth almost 400 million pieces of lego have been created. The companyhas four giant storage rooms like the one shown in this Tom Nagy picture. The Lego piecesare stacked in bins 23m high. In these bins and boxes there are over a billion Lego pieces.Robots trawl the aisles getting various parts to complete an order.6. Where Birds go to dieIn Washington D.C. lies the National Museum of Natural History. One of its departmentsis the Division of Birds House. Inside its walls, with over 625,000 specimens, is thethird largest collection of birds in the world. Most of the specimens are preserved skinsfor research but there are also skeletons, eggs and whole bodies are preserved in bottlesof alcohol. Some birds are even flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. The bird skins are keptin wooden drawers, as shown by this photo taken by Chip Clark.5. Amazon Fulfillment CentersAmazon has revolutionized the way we shop and buy things off the Internet. Yet all thatstuff doesn't magically appear. No, Amazon has huge warehouses scattered throughout theworld where they store inventory until it is ready to be shipped to your door. Oftena target of employee complaints the warehouses are huge and require great endurance fromtheir workers as they run from one end of the warehouse to the other.4. TiresWhat to do with used tires has always been a huge problem throughout the world. Theyare difficult to recycle, are breeding grounds for mosquitoes and disease as well as an incrediblydangerous fire hazard. When tires fires break out they release huge amounts of toxic smokeand can take years to put out. One fire in Socorro New Mexico has been burning for over11 years. This picture of a huge non burning tire pile was taken by Klaus Leidorf.3. Endless Shipping DocksThe world shipping industry depends on the sturdy Intermodal containers. They are builtof sturdy metal and standardized in size. Ships, trains and trucks carry them, and thecargo inside, to every corner of the globe. At the world's busiest ports these cratessit in huge numbers waiting to be picked up for the next leg of their journey.2. Crazy Urban JunglesIn a rush to house the masses and with little space to build, skyscrapers rapidly soar intothe sky. Often little thought is put into aesthetics and more effort is put into pushingthe boundaries of efficiency and standardization.1. Endless MonksThe ceremony of Makha Bucha, or Full Moon of Tabottwal, is a religious meeting wherethousands of Buddhist monks come together at the Wat Phra Dhammakaya Buddhist templein Thailand. A national holiday in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand, Makha Bucha isa religious celebration centered on purification and doing no wrong. Luke Duggleby was ableto capture this picture pf praying monks for the February 2011 issue of National Geographic.