วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558


This is a tutorial on Double Processing an image via Camera RAW for exercise 1 in thephotoshop class. So open an image in the adobe camera raw software and it should be an imageyou see as having two parts to it. For instance in this image, I see the clouds as being editedas one way and the foreground pond with the trees as really dark being edited a differentway. So highlight or select on this image. It should be a RAW file or a high qualityJPEG file to work with because we are going to open it in the RAW editor in Photoshop.This is not a function that can be done in Lightroom, only a photoshop function. So asyou can see on this image here, this little icon that is attached to this thumbnail hereis an indicator that this image has already been edited before in the camera raw editorin photoshop so i will show you have to make it go back to the default. I also in adobebridge under the filmstrip mode as you can see up here. So highlight or select on yourimage then go to FILE on the main menu and choose Open in Camera RAW and this will openup a RAW file or a high quality jpeg file. It will not open up a PSD/photoshop file souse a high quality jpeg file or a raw file. Then it opens up here in the raw editor windowand you'll be able to go through this and edit this image just for one part of the image.So I am going to edit this image just for the sky clouds area. I want to increase thecontrast of the image, I want to decrease the exposure to get more detail in that part... but remember, I said this image had been edited before. So I want to go to the littlefly out menu here on the right, a little tiny menu and click on it and choose the 'CameraRaw Defaults' button to send the image back to its default. Now I want to decrease theexposure, I'm going to increase the contrast and increase the clarity, mess with the whitesa little bit and lighten it up a bit. Now see this open image button here, I'm goingto hold down the shift key. When I hold shift you can see that it changes it from Open Imageto Open Object. That will then open it in Adobe Photoshop as a smart object. The waythat i know that this layer is a smart object is that it has this little icon next to it.You want to make sure you hold down shift and press open object out of the adobe editorso that it opens this way in photoshop, it has got to be this smart object. So you cansee I've got my sky here edited this one way and I will need to make a copy of this layerhere, but the way that I want to do it is to put my cursor over the title of the image,hold control on the keyboard and click on the title while I'm holding control and Iwill want to go to 'New Smart Object via Copy.' This will make a copy of the smart objectand open a new copy up of it, as a new layer on the layers panel. So now we have two copies,we have the "clouds taj mahal copy' and the 'clouds taj mahal' layer. So while selectedon this, I'm going to want to open this back up in the taj mahal and it will be independentof the first file or the first layer. Double click on the image itself here, and it opensit up in RAW and then you want to go to the fly out menu here on the right and send itback to default. And now I'm going to edit the image for the foreground. So I want toreveal detail in the shadow area and give it a little clarity pump, increase the exposurea bit and basically edit it how I want. Don't even worry about what the clouds look likein this one, just the foreground. Then I'm going to press ok. And now you have two separatelyedited pictures. One edited here on the bottom for the clouds. And one edited here on thetop for the foreground. Now to combine the two and press the layer mask button at thebottom of my layers panel, the layer mask button. Click it. I want to make sure I'mselected or highlighted on that top layer in order to alter the layer mask. I want toget my paintbrush tool. Make sure black is my foreground color. To send it back to itsblack and white colors over here press D on the keyboard to send it back to default. Pressx to switch the foreground and background color back and forth or press this littleicon here. We need to use black. So while i'm selected or highlighted on my layer maskhere, you have to have the lines around your layer mask, I can paint on the sky to revealthe clouds from the bottom image. As you can see here on my layer mask, where I paintedblack its blocking that layer so we can see through to the bottom cloud. Also, I saw Imissed a place up here. The way I got the black and white to show up on my image, Ioption clicked with the mouse on the layer mask. So there we have it. This is our originalimage with the clouds just edited and this is the one thats edited via the camera rawdouble process via raw so here you go! You can save this image psd and then resize itas a jpeg for the etudes online course.

