วันศุกร์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

Photoshop: How to Make an Old West, WANTED Poster

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you how to create your ownvintage, Wanted poster from the "wild west". This tutorial is an update to one I did onan earlier version of Photoshop. I provided this template, so you can follow along. Itslink is located in the video description or project files. It includes a weathered, woodplank background...the base for our poster...distressed, paper texture...four, antique nail heads...ornamentalborders and a cartouche. In addition, I provided links to the fonts that I'll be using inthis video. To make the white disappear that surrounds the cartouche, change the BlendMode to Multiply. Reduce its opacity to 80%. Make the "Borders" layer active and reduceits opacity also to 80%. Make the "Nail head" layer active. Click the "fx" icon and click Bevel Emboss. The Style is InnerBevel, the Technique: Smooth and the Depth is 100%. The Direction is Up and the Sizeis 2 pixels. Uncheck Global Light, make the Angle minus 40 degrees and keep the Angle:30 degrees. Make the Highlight Mode: Linear Dodge and the Opacity: 30%. Make the Shadow'sopacity: 0. Click Drop Shadow. Change the Blend Mode to Linear Burn and its Opacity:40%. Make sure "Global Light" is checked and make the Angle: 135 degrees. Make the Distance:3 pixels and the Size: 5 pixels. Then, click OK. Make the paper texture active, changeits Blend Mode to Multiply and reduce its opacity to 85%. Make the Base layer activeand double-click an empty area of the layer to open its Layer Style window. Click Bevel& Emboss. Make the Size: 3 pixels and the Highlight opacity: 50%. Change the Shadow'sblend mode to Linear Burn and its opacity to 50%, as well. Click Inner Glow. Click the colorbox and pick Black. Then, click OK. Change the Blend Mode to Color Burn and its Opacityto 60%. Make the Noise: 20% and the Size: 68 pixels. Then, click OK. Next, we'll add the photo. To save space in the Layers panel, click the small, black triangles next to the"fx" icons to collapse the effects. The effects are still there; they're just hidden fromview. Make the Cartouche layer active. Above this layer, we'll place our photo. First,open your Rectangular Marquee Tool and drag a rectangular selection centered between theborders. Open a photo you'd like to place into your Wanted poster. I downloaded thisone from Shutterstock.com. To get it into your Wanted poster, press "v" to open yourMove Tool and drag it up onto the tab of the poster. Without releasing your computer mouseor pen, drag it down onto the image and release.Click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection next to your photo.Think of the layer mask as a stencil. Thewhite area reveals the image, while the black masks it out. To reposition and resize yourphoto, click off the chain link between the photo and the layer mask. Now, we can repositionor resize either the photo or the layer mask independently of each other. Since we wantto reposition the photo, make the photo active. Drag it to a position you like. If you wantto resize it, press Ctrl or Cmd + T to open your Transform Tool. Go to a corner and whenyou see a diagonal, double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option + Shift as you drag itin or out. Position the face, then press Enteror Return. Next, we'll colorize it, add grain and adjust its brightness and contrast.. Double-click the thumbnail of your photo to open its LayerStyle window. Click Color Overlay and the color box. Type in D7BF96. Then, click OK.Change the Blend Mode to Color and click OK.Go to Filter and Filter Gallery. Open the Texture folder and click Grain. Make the Grain Type: "Enlarged". I'm using 25 for the Intensityand 50 for the Contrast, however, depending on the characteristics of your photo, youmay want to adjust theses amounts until your photo looks similar to this. Then, click OK.If there are areas of your photo that are brighter than the paper, we need to darkenthem. Click the Adjustment Layer icon and click Levels. Click the Clipping Mask iconto clip or restrict the Levels adjustment layer to effect just the one layer beneathit in the Layers panel. For this photo, I'll brighten the Input Midtones to 1.48.Keep in mind, for your photo, you may want to use different amounts to get the combination ofbrightness and contrast that looks good to you. I'll darken the Output highlights untilthe brightest areas of the photo match the brightness of the paper. To make the blackareas a bit less dense, I'll drag the Output Shadows a bit to the right. To consolidate more space in the Layers panel, group the face and its adjustment layer into a folder.To do this, Shift-click on the thumbnail of the face to highlight both layers. Then, pressCtrl or Cmd + G. Let's name it "Face". Group the paper texture and the base into a folderusing the same steps and name it "Paper". Make the Face folder active to place our textabove it. Open your Horizontal Type Tool and go to Window and Character. The Characterpanel will open. For the word "Wanted", I'll use "Regulators Condensed". If you want touse the same fonts as I'm using, open it and click on the font. Make the size: 70 pointsand make sure its Horizontal & Vertical Scales are 100%. Click on your document and type"Wanted". To reposition it, open your Move Tool and move it. Click below the word and for next text, choose "The Dead Saloon Regular". For the Vertical Scale, type in 48 to squeezethe text vertically and type the word "DEAD". Press the Space bar three times and type theword, "ALIVE". We pressed the Space bar to make room between the two words for the word"OR". To resize it, click the Move Tool and open your Transform Tool. Go to a corner,press and hold Alt or Option + Shift and drag it in until it's approximately the same widthas the word, "Wanted". Then, center it and press Enter or Return. Press "T" to open yourType Tool and click below the cartouche. Type the word, "OR". Click the Move Tool and open your Transform Tool. Go to the middle, right side of your Transform and press andhold Ctrl + Alt + Shift on Windows or Cmd + Option + Shift on a Mac as you drag theTransform up to skew it from its center anchor point. Then, reduce its size and positionit to fit comfortably between the words, "Dead" and "Alive". Open your Type Tool and clickbelow the cartouche. In this area, we'll type in a name. For this example, I'll make theVertical Scale: 100%, the Horizontal Scale: 170 and the Size: 21 points. For your name,play with these amounts to fit your text comfortably. Press Enter or Return and type out your text.Open your Move Tool to center it. Open your Type Tool and click below your photo. In thisarea, we'll type in the reward. For the font, I'll use "Saddlebag Regular". I'll make itsSize: 46 points and its Horizontal Scale: 44%. Press Enter or Return and type out yourtext. As before, open your Move Tool to center it. Let's group all the text into its own folder using the same steps as you used earlier.Let's name the folder, "Text".Reduce the opacity to 90%. Now, all the text that's inside the folder has an opacity of 90%.We can close the Character panel, now. Next, we'll add scratches to the poster. First, let's groupthe text, face, cartouche and borders into one folder, since these are the elements thatwe'll be adding scratches to. Use the same steps as you used earlier. Click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask next to the folder. We'll be adding scratches to the layermask, which will reveal the background through the scratches. Open your Brush Tool and openyour brush thumbnails. Click the gear icon to open your list of Brush Presets. I included"Marks and scratches" for you to download into your Brush Preset folder. If your notsure how to install brushes into Photoshop, watch my tutorial showing how to do this.When you see this window, click OK to replace the current set of brushes with Marks andScratches. To make the thumbnails appear bigger, click the gear icon and click, "Large Thumbnail".You can try the various scratches, however, I'll click the first one and make its size1700 pixels. Move your brush over your poster and left-click on your mouse or pen. If youdon't like the position of the scratches, undo it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + Z. Onceyou've added your scratches, click the Move Tool to make your cursor easier to see.Click off the eyeball of the background to temporarily hide the layer. We'll make a composite snapshotof just your poster by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E on Windows or Cmd + Shift + Option + E on a Mac. Since we have the composite snapshot, we can hide its source layers. Next,we'll add a drop shadow to the poster. Double-click on an empty area of the poster layer to openits Layer Style window. Click Drop Shadow. Change the Blend Mode to Linear Burn and makethe Opacity: 25%. Make the Distance: 8 pixels and the Size: 10 pixels. Then, click OK.Make the Background visible and open your Transform Tool. Click the "Warp" icon. This divides your Transform into sections that can be manipulated to warp the shape under it. Place your cursor on the middle of the top line and drag it in a little. Repeat this on the middle of the right side,the middle of the left side and middle of the bottom line. Then, press Enter or Return. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. Thanks for watching!

