Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you how to create this cinematic,deep space, stargate from scratch.Create a new document by going to File and New. Make the Width: 1550 pixels, the Height: 870 pixels and the Resolution: 150 pixels per inch. TheMode is RGB and 8 bits per channel. Then, click OK or press Enter or Return. If your foreground and background colors aren't black and white respectively, press "D" on your keyboard.We'll fill the canvas with black by pressing Alt + Delete on Windows or Option + Delete on a Mac. Make a copy of your Background by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J. We'll place thecopy into a folder by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + G. Click the thumbnail of "Layer 1" to makeit active. Click the foreground color, which opens the Color Picker. In the Brightnessfield, type in 15. This will make the foreground color a very dark, grey. Then, click OK. Go to Filter, Render and Clouds. We're going to stretch the clouds horizontally. To dothis, open your Transform Tool by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + T. At the top, you'll see the percentages of the Transform's Width and Height.Go to the Width and type in 300. Then, press Enter or Return. Since the clouds have a Width of 300%, they're extending beyond both sidesof your document. To crop them off, press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select the width and heightof your document and go to Image and Crop. To deselect it, press Ctrl or Cmd + D. Go to Filter, Pixelate and Mezzotint. Choose "Medium Strokes" and click OK. Go back to Filter, Blur and Radial Blur. Slide the Amount all the way to the right. Make the Blur Method:Zoom and the Quality: Best. Then, click OK.Repeat the Filter by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + F and then, repeat it one more time. Next, we'll frame it to the same aspect ratio ofa wide-screen, movie. Go to View and make sure Rulers and Snap are checked. If theyaren't just click on them. Open your Crop Tool and for the Width, type in 2.66 and the Height: 1. This is the aspect ratio of the original, Cinemascope movies. Go to the ruler at the top and drag down a guide line to the top of the cropped area. It'll snap to itbecause we have "Snap" checked. If you don't see the guide line, press Ctrl or Cmd + H.Drag another guide line to the bottom of the cropped area. Zoom out of your document bypressing Ctrl or Cmd and the minus key on your keyboard. Open your Rectangular Marquee Tool and drag a selection from the top, left corner to the lower, right corner of the document's guide lines. Make the folder active and click the Layer mask icon to make a layer mask ofthe selection next to the folder. The white area of the layer mask will reveal the insideof each layer within the folder. To see your document at 100%, press Ctrl or Cmd + 1. To hide the guide lines, press Ctrl or Cmd + H. Make the clouds layer active. We'll invert it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + I. Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer. Open your Elliptical Marquee Tool, and go to the center of your image. Press and hold Alt or Optionas you drag out an ellipse approximately this size and shape. Go to Select, Modify and Feather.Feather it 100 pixels and clock OK. Invert the selection by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + Shift + I. We'll make the foreground color completely black by pressing "D" on your keyboard torevert it to its default color. Fill the selection with black by pressing Alt or Option + Delete.Then, deselect it. Reduce its opacity to 80%.Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer.Invert your foreground and background colors by pressing "x" on your keyboard or by clicking this icon. Open your Brush Tool and open your Brush Picker. Make your brush size: 600 pixelsand the Hardness: 0%. Its Opacity and Flow are both 100%. Hover your cursor over the center and left-click once. Click the Adjustment Layer icon and click "Gradient". Open the Gradient Picker and open your list of gradient presets.I'll choose "Color Harmonies 2", however,feel free to experiment with other presets.When you see this window, click OK to replace the current gradients with the gradients from the preset you just chose. I'll click this one. Make the Style: Radial and I'll drag the Scale all the way to the right. This zooms into the center of the gradient. The higher the Scale amount, the more it zooms in. Play with this amount to get the colors you want. You can always change it later. Change its Blend Mode to "Color". Next, we'll add stars. Make the center, white glow activeand click the New Layer icon to make a new layer above it. We'll fill the empty layerwith black and since black is the background color, press Ctrl or Cmd + Delete. Change the Blend Mode to "Screen" and go to Filter, Noise and Add Noise. Make the Amount: 30%,Gaussian and Monochromatic. Go back to Filter, Blur and Gaussian Blur. Make the Radius: point 5 pixels and click OK. Open Levels by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + L. For Input Shadows, type in 75 and for Input Highlights, type in 160.Then, click OK. Next, we'll add subtle, motion trails to the stars to make them appear to be enveloped by the star gate. Let's renamethe star layer, "Stars" and reduce its opacity to 70%. Press Enter or Return and make a copyof the stars. Make its opacity: 100%. Go to Filter, Blur and Radial Blur. Make the Amount: 5,Zoom and Best. Then, click OK. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. Thanks for watching!