Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you a quick and effectivetechnique to write a word or message into fine, pristine, beach sand from scratch. This tutorial is an update to one I did on an earlier version of Photoshop. Create a new document by pressing Ctrl + N on Windows or Cmd + N on a Mac. You can make the Width and Heightany size you want, but to ensure that your result will be the same as in this video,make its resolution: 150 pixels per inch. Also make sure the Color Mode is RGB and 8bits per channel. Then, click OK or press Enter or Return. Click the foreground color and type in F0E2AF. Then, click OK or press Enter or Return. To fill your document with the foreground color, press Alt + Delete on Windows or Option + Delete on a Mac. We'll add a sandy texture to it by going to Filter, Noise and Add Noise. Make the amount 3%, Gaussianand check Monochromatic. Then, click OK or press Enter or Return. Open your Horizontal Type Tool, choose "Smooth and "Center Text". Go to Window and Character. The Characterpanel will open. I'm choosing "MV Boli Regular" , which is a medium to heavy, san-seriffont that looks like it was hand-lettered. If you'd like to use it as well, I providedit link in the video's description or project files. For this example, I'll make its size110 points. For the color, just press "x" on your keyboard to invert the foregroundand background colors. Click on your document and type your text. If you have two or more lines of text and need to separate the lines,double-click on the large "T" to highlightall of your text and go to the "Leading" icon. Drag it to the right to separate the lines.To reposition your block of text, open your Move Tool and move it. We can close the Character panel now. Ctrl-click or Cmd-click on the large "T" to make a selection of your text.Go to Select, Modify and Feather. Feather it 1 pixel and click OK or press Enter or Return.Click the thumbnail of the Background to make it active and press Ctrl or Cmd +J to cut and copy the shape of your text to its own layer. Name it "Outer". This layerwill be the raised, outer part of our sand text. Click off the eyeball next to the original,source text to hide the layer. Click the "fx" icon and click "Bevel Emboss". Make the Blend Mode: "Pillow Emboss", the Technique: Chisel Hard and the Direction: Down. I'll make theSize: 30 pixels, however, depending on the size of your font, you may want to adjustthis amount. Soften it 7 pixels. Change the Highlight mode to Linear Dodge and the Opacityto 12%. Change the Shadow mode to Linear Burn and the Opacity to 40%. Then, click OK. It looks good the way it is, but let's make the inside of the characters more defined. Makea copy of the "Outer" layer by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J. Let's name it "Inner". Double-clickBevel and Emboss to open it in the Layer Style window. Change the Style to "Inner Bevel",the Technique to "Smooth" and make the Depth: 235%. I'll make the Size: 10 pixels, but again,adjust this amount if your text is larger or smaller. Make the Highlight's opacity:0% and the Shadow's opacity: 30%. Then, click OK. Next, I'll show you how to change its perspective. Make a composite snapshot of your image by pressing Ctrl + Shift +Alt +E on Windows or Cmd + Shift + Option + E on a Mac. Open your Transform Tool by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + T. Go to any corner and when you see a diagonal, double-arrow, press andhold Alt or Option + Shift as you drag it in to make it smaller. To adjust its perspective,go to Edit, Transform and Perspective.Go to a bottom corner and drag it out. If your font is italicized as in this one, it'll look better if we straighten it out. To do this,go to the bottom, middle anchor point and drag it to the rightuntil the characters in the middle are vertical.Then, press Enter or Return. Open your Transform Tool again. To see the Transform'sentire bounding box, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.Enlarge you image making sure it covers any text under it.Center it and press Enter or Return. Press Ctrl or Cmd + 0 to fit it backon your canvas. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. Thanks for watching!