Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you how to add animal featuresto a human face. I provided this image of a tiger, so you can follow along. Its linkis located in the video description or project files. Choose a high resolution, focused photoof a person looking straight into the camera. I downloaded this one from Shutterstock.com.We need to make a selection just around the face. To zoom in closer, press "z" on yourkeyboard to open your Zoom Tool and drag a rectangle over the area. There are many waysto make selections, but for this example, I'll use the Magnetic Lasso Tool. I'll carefully drag the Tool over the edge of the cheeks and chin and continue over the hair. The pathover over hair doesn't have to be that accurate. Once it connects to the first anchor point,it'll turn into a selection. To refine the selection over the hair, go to Selectand Refine Edge. I did an in-depth tutorial on Refine Edge, so I won't be going over allthe details here. Check Smart Radius and increase the Radius to approximately 7 pixels. Brush over the hairline and release. Choose "Selection" and click OK. The quick mask instantly reverts to a selection.Go to Select and Save Selection. Type in "Face" and click OK or press Enteror Return. Press Ctrl or Cmd + D to deselect it. To see your saved selection, open theChannels panel. If you don't see it, go to Windows and Channels. At the bottom of thepanel, you should see a black and white thumbnail of your shape with the word, "Face" next toit. We'll be using this channel later. Open your Layers panel. We'll make your subject'sface into a displacement map which we'll use to wrap the animal's fur around your subject'sface. To do this, click the icon at the upper, right of the Layers panel and click "DuplicateLayer". Click New and type in "Displacement". Then, click OK. Since Displacement maps look best when they're slightly blurred, go to Filter, Blur and Gaussian Blur. I'll blur it 5 pixels, however, you may want to use a different amount based on your photo's resolution.Then, click OK or press Enter or Return. Go to File and Save As. Save it to your Desktop as a .PSD file. Then, click "Save" and close the file. Open the tiger photo I provided.Just as we did for the person's face, we need to make a selection around it. This time,I'll use the Lasso Tool. Draw a path around the face and go to Select and Refine Edge.Check Smart Radius and drag the Radius all the way to the right. Make the Contrast: 20%and output it as a New Layer. Let's make a selection around the whiskers, so we can addit as a separate layer. Click off the eyeball of the cut-out face to hide it and click thethumbnail of the original tiger to make the layer active. Open your Zoom Tool and zoominto the whiskers.Go to Select and Color Range. Select "Highlights" and click OK. Press "Q" to convert the selection into a quick mask. Open your Brush Tool and use a smallsize brush with an opacity of 100%. Carefully brush over the areas around the whiskers untilonly the whiskers are showing. Convert the quick mask into a selection and as before,go to Select and Refine Edge. Feather it .5 pixels. Save it as a Selection and click OK.Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer. Let's rename it, "Whiskers".We'll fill the selection of the whiskers with white and since white is the background color, press Ctrl or Cmd + Delete. Then, deselect it.To place the cut-out tiger face and the whiskers into your subject's document, makethe top layer visible and Shift-click on the thumbnail to highlight both layers. Press"v" to open your Move Tool. Drag the layers up onto the tab of your subject's face andwithout releasing your computer mouse or pen, drag it down onto the subject and release. PressCtrl of Cmd + T to open your Transform Tool. Before we size and position the tiger, let'sreduce its opacity, so we can see the person's face behind it. Go to a corner and when yousee a diagonal, double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option + Shift as you drag it in orout. Position it so the noses and the mouths are lined up. Then, press Enter or Return. Click the thumbnail of the tiger to make the layer active. Open back your Transform Tooland click the Warp icon. The Warp command lets you drag control points to manipulate theshape of images, shapes and paths. We're going to warp the face of the tiger to align itselfwith the features of the person's face. Drag the control points so the pupils are positionedover each eye of your subject. Drag the control points at the top and the corners, so thefur extends a bit past the person's hairline. Make sure the eyes are aligned correctly afteryou warp other areas of the tiger's face. Press Ctrl or Cmd + 0 to see the entire boundingbox. Continue to align the tiger's face to your subject. Then, press Enter or Return.Increase the opacity back to 100%.I'm sure you noticed that the name of my tiger layer is different than yours. When I was doing this video, I made some modifications andforgot to change the name back, however, it doesn't affect the layer itself.Make a copy of the tiger by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J. Temporarily, hide the Whiskers layer. Let's rename the lower tiger, "Chin" and hide the layer. Make the top tiger active.Go to Filter, Distort and Displace. Make the Horizontal and Vertical Scales 5 each, Stretchto Fit and Repeat Edge Pixels. Then, click OK. Click the Displacement file and click"Open". The animal's face made a subtle, but important shift in its contours. Change theBlend Mode to Multiply. Open the Channels panel and Ctrl-click or Cmd-click on the black and white thumbnail to make a selection of the face shape that you saved earlier. Openback up the Layers panel and click the Layer mask icon to make a layer mask of the selectionnext to the active layer. Next, we'll reveal your subject's eyes and mouth. Open your BrushTool and make the brush size approximately 30 pixels and the Hardness: 0%. The Opacityis 100%. Open your Zoom Tool and zoom into the eyes. To move the image, press and holdthe Space bar as you drag your document. Press "B" to open back your Brush Tool and brushinside the eyes. Drag your image up to see the mouth. Reduce the brush's opacity to 50%and brush over the lips. To brush back in areas of the tiger fur, press "x" on your keyboard to invert the foreground and background colors and then brush back in the fur. To fit your entire image back on your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0. Make the Chin layer visible and active. Drag the layer to the top of the Layers panel. Click the Layer maskicon to make a layer mask next to it. Invert the layer mask by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + I.Adjust your brush size and brush over the chin revealing the fur through the layer mask.To mask out the fur from the chin, press "x" to invert your foreground and background colorsand brush over those areas. Make the Whiskers layer visible and active. Drag it to the top.Hide the layer and open your Channels panel. Ctrl-click or Cmd-click on the face shapeto make a selection of it and open back up the Layers panel. Make the lower, tiger faceactive and zoom into the whiskers. Open your Spot Healing Brush and make its size 10 pixelswith a Hardness of 100%. Brush over the whiskers to fill them in the surrounding pixels. Itdoesn't have to be perfect, since we're going to replace them with the whiskers we saved earlier.Delete the selection and fit your image back onto your canvas. Make the Whiskers visible and active. Make its opacity 70% and make a copy of it. Go to Edit, Transform and Flip Horizontal. Press "v" to open your Move Tool and press and hold Shift as you dragit to to the left. Make your subject's face active and make a copy of it. Drag the copyto the top and change its Blend Mode to Soft Light. Go to the face layer mask and pressand Alt or Option as you drag a copy of it next to your subject. As I toggle back andforth, you can see how much brighter it is.This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. Thanks for watching!