วันอังคารที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Photoshop: BAM! How to Make a Comic Book, Pop Art Poster

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you how to design and createyour own, cartoon, pop art poster from scratch.The first step is to create a new document.Go to File and New. You can make it any size, but for this example, make the Width: 1500pixels, the Height: 870 pixels and the Resolution: 150 pixels per inch. Make sure the Color Modeis RGB at 8 bits per channel. Then, click OK.Click the foreground colorto open the Color Picker.In the hexadecimal field, type in 16B7F9. Then, click OK or press Enter or Return.Your foreground color is now the color we typed in. To fill your background withthis color, press Alt+ Delete on Windows or Option + Delete on a Mac. Zoom out of yourdocument by pressing Ctrl or Cmd and the minus key on your keyboard a couple of times.Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer. Open your Custom Shape Tool and open your Shapethumbnails. Click the gear icon to open your list of custom shape presets. Click "Symbols"and click OK to replace the current shapes with the shapes from "Symbols". Click thisicon, which is called, "Registration Target 2". Click the gear icon and tick "DefinedProportions" and check "From Center". Click the Shape mode. If you're using a Photoshopversion earlier than CS6, the Shape mode is here. Make sure the Stroke has no color. Itssymbol has the red, diagonal line across it. Click the Fill's color box and the Color Pickericon. Type in 44C4F9. Then, click OK or press Enter or Return. Click on the center of yourdocument and drag out the shape outside the edges of your document. To hide the paths,press Ctrl or Cmd + H. To fit it back on your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0. For now, don'tbe concerned if the pattern isn't exactly centered on your document. We'll take careof it later. Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer. Open your Polygon Tool and clickthe Fill's color box. Click the Color Picker icon, pick white and click OK. Click on yourdocument to open the "Create Polygon" window. Type in the Width and the Height of your document,which in this example is 1500 by 870 pixels. For the number of sides, type in 20, check"Star", indent the sides by 60% and check "Smooth Indents". Then, click OK. The shapewill be off to the side, but don't be concerned. After we create all the shapes, we'll center them all at the same time.Reduce its Opacity to 25%. We're going to make this shape bigger. To do this, openyour Transform Tool by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + T. At the top of your screen, click the chain-link icon. This locks the Width and the Height together. Type in 125% in eitherfield. Notice, the Width and the Height have the same percentage. Press Enter or Return or click the checkmark at the top. Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer. Click the Fill color box and the Color Picker icon. For this shape, type in ED0909. Then, clickOK or press Enter or Return. Click on your document, type in the Width and the Height and for thisshape, indent the sides by 70%. Then, click OK. Make a new layer, click the FIll color box, the Color Picker icon and this time, pick black.Click on your document, type in the Width and Height and for this shape, indent the sides by 90%. We'll make one more shape.Make a new layer, open the color picker and this time, pick white again. Type in the Width and Height and indent the sides by 99%. We're ready to center all the shapes on the document.With the top layer active, Shift -click on Shape 1 to highlight all the layers betweenit and the top layer. Click your Move Tool and press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select them all.Click the "Align Horizontal Centers" iconand the "Align Vertical Centers" icon. To deselect it, press Ctrl or Cmd + D. Group all the shapes into a folder by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + G. Let's name it "Shapes". We're ready to add text. Open your "Horizontal Type Tool" and choose a font. I'm using "DeathRattle BB Regular" which I downloaded from www.dafont.com. For your convenience, I provided its link in the video description of projectfiles. I'll start with a size of 200 points, Sharp, and Center Text. Click the color box and type in FFD800. Then, click OK or press Enter or Return. Click on your document and type your text. I'll type my first character and press the Space bar to make a space betweenit and the third letter in the word. The reason is because the second letter of the word isgoing to be placed in this empty space. It'll be bigger than the other characters and willbe treated separately. Double-click on an empty space of the text layer to open itsLayer Style window. Click "Stroke". I'll make the Size: 18 pixels, however, depending onthe size and resolution of your document, you may want to adjust this amount. Make surethe Position is "Outside. Then, click OK.Make a copy of your text by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J. Make the original text layer active and double-click it to highlight the text.I'll type the letter "A", which replaces the original characters in this layer. To makeyour character larger, you can either slide the Text icon to the right or type in a larger point size. To reposition it, open your Move Tool and move it. The letters are too cramped,so I'll make the other text layer active, click between the characters and press andhold Alt or Option as I press the right arrow key on my keyboard. To reposition and angleyour text, Shift-click on your lower text to highlight both text layers and press Ctrlor Cmd + T to open your Transform Tool. Go to a corner and when you see a curved, double-arrow,rotate the Transform to an angle you like. To reposition it, go inside the Transformand move your text. If you want to adjust its overall size, go to a corner and whenyou see a diagonal, double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option + Shift as you drag itout or in. Then, press Enter or Return. Click the top text layer to make it active and go to Filter, Pixelate and Color Halftone. Click "Rasterize" and keep the default settings.To apply this filter for your remaining character, make its layer active and press Ctrl or Cmd+ F to repeat the last filter. The last step is to give the text a drop shadow. Shift-click on the top layer to highlight both text layersand click the icon on the upper, right ofthe Layers panel. Click "Convert to Smart Object". This allows us to add more filtersand layer styles to the text. I'll show you what I mean in a minute. Double-click on anempty area of the Smart Object to open the Layer Style window. Click "Drop Shadow". Makethe Opacity: 20%, the Distance: 30 pixels and the Size: 0. Then, click OK. Notice the the drop shadow is the same thickness as your stroked text. If we didn't convert the textinto a smart object, the drop shadow would be a lot thinner because it would only beapplied to the original text without its stroke.This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. Thanks for for watching!

