วันเสาร์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

How to Create and Install your Own Brushes | FREE Photoshop Download

Hello and welcome to this video on the Gimp. Now on this video, we're gonna cover the BrushTool a little more in-depth than we did on our prior video but this one is going to showyou a little bit more about how you can create your own brush and how you can find some freebrushes on the internet and how you can install both those and those you create yourself.Now here we are at Deviantart.com and again it's a pretty cool site. It's free. Once youget registered, come on back and log-in then go to categories, come on down here to Resources,come on up to Application Resources, and Gimp Brushes. There's over a hundred of them hereso play around. Have fun. What I wanna show though is one for filmstrips because wellI'm in the video biz. Just click on whichever one that you want to check out. And this isbasically what happens and there's a lot of information in here too, some comments, kindof a form of source for you to give the creator their to let them know how well you like theitem. Then you just click on Download and save this to my desktop and if I seem to begoing too fast well that's what the little pause button is down here on our video soI'm gonna try to squeeze much info in this video as possible. Any who that shoud be downloaded.There it is. So let's move this guy down and come on up here. Here we are. Right-click,extract, and I'm using the extraction wizard found inside of Windows. You can do the samething with Zip. But hey, this is free. That's free. But this came with the program so nowthat I got it unzipped, downloaded, open it up. Here are the brushes. So you want to selectthem all by control key and A on my keyboard. I'm gonna deselect this guy because I don'tneed that. It's just an image. Control key and left-click mouse, right click anywherein here, left-click on Copy. Now that you are in my clipboard, now then let's followthat path I showed you. And here we are. You just go to your Windows Explorer on how you'regonna do it. See Program Files then Gimp. That's we are here. Click on that, come ondown to Share, come on over to Gimp, and Brushes. Now if you are coming across some gradientsthat you find, same process --- patterns, scripts, themes, same process. For the mostpart, this is where you go to install. Let's go to brushes. These are all the brushes thatare in there currently. Right-click it that stuff out of my clipboard and paste it here.There we go. Now then we're almost done with this. We need to go back to our here at theGimp. And if we look here, we'll see those brushes are not in here yet. And again, theseare those that come as a default. Once you install your Gimp for these are what's thatcome along the program. So now to get those that we just downloaded and pasted into thatfolder into here so we can use them. First, you gotta go to file, dialogs, down here tothese brushes, and then you don't see it down here yet, click the refresh button and nowthey are there. Same process if you download any other brushes. How you can get them inthere. Then the same process if you create your own brushes which we're gonna do herein a second. And copy/paste into that folder, come back here --- file, dialog, brushes,refresh. That's how you do it. Now then, we can see they are now in here. And I'm justgonna give you a quick rundown. Let's get us a new palette open up here, 250 by 250.Let's get one of those filmstrips in here and that's not very big. You can adjust thesize obviously here. There's a different color in there. There you go. Different angle. Okay,you get the idea. Now you can use something like this. Just create your own little collage.You can create something like this for safe. What I would do and we'll do especially onan upcoming video is use this as a background for a DVD e-cover that we're gonna go over.Again, that's gonna be in a different video. But just some of the cool things that youcan do spend some time, go out and find this some brushes. Again, don't spend much moneywhenever they're free for crying out loud. Get you some free brushes and install themand if you got a wild hair and an imagination you can also create your own and that's whatwe're gonna do now. First thing I'm gonna do is pull this cat up and now then what I'mgonna show you is how to create this using a 250 by 250. Ideally, you might want somethingsmaller like a 50 by 50 or 20 by 20. That way you want to adjust the scale that muchbut in either case. And I'm not much of an artist folks so good laugh in there in theback. I hear you. That, by the way, is a foot if you have guessed. Now then, once you createdyour little masterpiece, to make this a brush come on up here to file, Save As, and I'mgonna save it on the desktop here just for ease of finding. Then whatever you name it,for example, foot. You gotta end it with ".gbr� because that just tells the software that "hey, this is in fact a brush." Clickon Save. This comes up, just click on Save. Get this guy out and then minimize that. Nowwe shall install the foot just like we did the other, the ones we downloaded. Go to Brush,right-click anywhere, paste it because you know it was in my clipboard and then comeon back here. Bring it over -- File, Dialog, Brushes, Refresh. There's my foot right there.Go to that, bring up my clean canvass, and get my foot there. Too big. That's right.So let's make this guy a little bit smaller here. There we go. Cool, huh? Anyway, thatfolks is how you create your own brushes and that's how you can find some cool free brusheson the internet, download them, and also how you can install them yourself. So, have funwith this. Enjoy it. Hope you learned something from the video and by all means, have a greatday!

