Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going too show you how to create yourown ancient, engraved, medieval coat of arms.I provided a Photoshop file that you can download to follow along. It's link is located in the video description of project files. It includesthis background of scratched metal and a silhouette of crisscrossed spears. Temporarily, hide the spearsand click the thumbnail of the background to make the layer active. Makea copy of it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J and drag the copy to the top of the Layers panel. Hide the copy and make the Spears layer active.Open your Horizontal Type Tool. Click the Center Text iconand go to Window and Character. The Character panel will open. Choose an ancient-looking font. I'm using "Abaddon II Regular". If you'd like to use it, I provided its link, as well.Click the color box and in the Brightness field, type in 50% to pick a neutral greycolor. Then, click OK. Click on your document and type your text.If you have more than one line of text and want to make one line larger than the other, highlight the line you want to enlargeand either drag the Size icon to the right or type in a larger pointsize. I'll type in 198. To adjust the space between lines, drag the "leading" icon tothe left or right. To adjust the space between characters, also known as "kerning", clickbetween those characters and press and hold Alt or Option as you press the left or rightarrow key on your keyboard. When your done kerning your characters, let's center thetext on your document.Click your Move Tool and press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select the text.Click the "Align Horizontal Centers" iconand the "Align Vertical Centers " icon. To deselect it, press Ctrl or Cmd + D. We can close the Character panel now.Click the icon and click "Bevel Emboss". The Style is "Inner Bevel" and the Technique is Chisel Hard.The Depth is 100%, the Direction is Up and the Size is 10 pixels. Uncheck GlobalLight. Make the Angle: 70 degrees and the Altitude: 15 degrees. Make the Highlight mode:Color Dodge and its Opacity: 60%. Click "Contour" and open the contour presets. Click the doublering thumbnail. Click Stroke. Make the Size: 4 pixels and the Position is Outside. Changethe Blend Mode to Linear Burn and make the Opacity: 50%. Click Color Overlay. Make theBlend Mode: "Color" and click the color box. In the hexadecimal field, type in: C7BB83.Then, click OK.Click Outer Glow. Make the Blend Mode: Linear Burn and keep the Opacity at 75%. Click thecolor box and pick black. Then, click OK. Make the Size: 35 pixels. Click Drop Shadow.Change the Blend Mode to Overlay and the Opacity to 40%. Make the Distance: 40 pixels, theSpread: 40% and the Size: 50 pixels. Then, click OK. I think I'd like to adjust the kerningagain between some characters, so I'll press "T" to open my Type tool, click between thosecharacters and kern them. To save space in the Layers panel, let's hide the list of effectsin the text layer by clicking the arrowhead next to the "fx" icon. We didn't delete theeffects; we just hid the list from view. To make a new layer below the active layer, Ctrl-clickor Cmd-click on the New Layer icon. Ctrl-click or Cmd-click on the large "T" on your textlayer to make a selection of the text's shape. Go to Select, Modify and Expand. Expand it10 pixels and click OK or press Enter or Return. We'll fill the selection with black. To dothis, press "D" on your keyboard to revert the foreground and background colors backto black and white, respectively and then, press Alt or Option + Delete to fill the selectionwith the foreground color. Press Ctrl or Cmd + D to deselect it. Change the Blend Modeto Color Burn and reduce the Fill to 25%.If we were to reduce the Opacity instead,it would look like this. As I toggle back and forth, you can see the difference. Makea new layer below this layer by Ctrl-clicking or Cmd-clicking on the New Layer icon. Let'sname it, "Shield". Open your Elliptical Marquee Tool, go to the center of your document andpress and hold Alt or Option + Shift as you drag out a circle approximately this size.Fill it with the foreground color, which is black. Then, deselect it. To center the circleon your document, repeat the steps that you used earlier to center your text. Click yourMove Tool, press Ctrl or Cmd + A and then, click the Align Horizontal Centers icon andthe Align Vertical Centers icon. Then, deselect it. Reduce its Fill to 0. Go to the "fx" iconand press and hold Alt or Option as you drag a copy of the effects to your Shield layer.Hide the effects list and make the "Spears" layer visible and active. Reduce the Fillto 25% and drag a copy of the effects to the Spears layer. To hide the spears behind theshield, Ctrl-click or Cmd-click on the thumbnail of the shield to make a selection of its shape.Click the Layer mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection next to the spears.Invert the Layer Mask by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + I. Make the background copy visible and active. Change the Blend Mode to Overlay. We want to restrict the background textureto be visible just inside the text. To do this, make a selection of the text and click theLayer Mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection next to the Background copy. Let'sflip the texture inside the text, so there's a variance between it and the background texture.Click off the lock icon between the background and its layer mask. This will allow us tomove and resize either one independently of the other. Make the background active andgo to Edit, Transform and Flip Horizontal.Lastly, we'll brighten the spears. Make the Spears layer active and reduce the Fill to 0. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. Thanks for watching!