วันอังคารที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Photoshop: BAM! How to Make a Comic Book, Pop Art Poster

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you how to design and createyour own, cartoon, pop art poster from scratch.The first step is to create a new document.Go to File and New. You can make it any size, but for this example, make the Width: 1500pixels, the Height: 870 pixels and the Resolution: 150 pixels per inch. Make sure the Color Modeis RGB at 8 bits per channel. Then, click OK.Click the foreground colorto open the Color Picker.In the hexadecimal field, type in 16B7F9. Then, click OK or press Enter or Return.Your foreground color is now the color we typed in. To fill your background withthis color, press Alt+ Delete on Windows or Option + Delete on a Mac. Zoom out of yourdocument by pressing Ctrl or Cmd and the minus key on your keyboard a couple of times.Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer. Open your Custom Shape Tool and open your Shapethumbnails. Click the gear icon to open your list of custom shape presets. Click "Symbols"and click OK to replace the current shapes with the shapes from "Symbols". Click thisicon, which is called, "Registration Target 2". Click the gear icon and tick "DefinedProportions" and check "From Center". Click the Shape mode. If you're using a Photoshopversion earlier than CS6, the Shape mode is here. Make sure the Stroke has no color. Itssymbol has the red, diagonal line across it. Click the Fill's color box and the Color Pickericon. Type in 44C4F9. Then, click OK or press Enter or Return. Click on the center of yourdocument and drag out the shape outside the edges of your document. To hide the paths,press Ctrl or Cmd + H. To fit it back on your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0. For now, don'tbe concerned if the pattern isn't exactly centered on your document. We'll take careof it later. Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer. Open your Polygon Tool and clickthe Fill's color box. Click the Color Picker icon, pick white and click OK. Click on yourdocument to open the "Create Polygon" window. Type in the Width and the Height of your document,which in this example is 1500 by 870 pixels. For the number of sides, type in 20, check"Star", indent the sides by 60% and check "Smooth Indents". Then, click OK. The shapewill be off to the side, but don't be concerned. After we create all the shapes, we'll center them all at the same time.Reduce its Opacity to 25%. We're going to make this shape bigger. To do this, openyour Transform Tool by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + T. At the top of your screen, click the chain-link icon. This locks the Width and the Height together. Type in 125% in eitherfield. Notice, the Width and the Height have the same percentage. Press Enter or Return or click the checkmark at the top. Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer. Click the Fill color box and the Color Picker icon. For this shape, type in ED0909. Then, clickOK or press Enter or Return. Click on your document, type in the Width and the Height and for thisshape, indent the sides by 70%. Then, click OK. Make a new layer, click the FIll color box, the Color Picker icon and this time, pick black.Click on your document, type in the Width and Height and for this shape, indent the sides by 90%. We'll make one more shape.Make a new layer, open the color picker and this time, pick white again. Type in the Width and Height and indent the sides by 99%. We're ready to center all the shapes on the document.With the top layer active, Shift -click on Shape 1 to highlight all the layers betweenit and the top layer. Click your Move Tool and press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select them all.Click the "Align Horizontal Centers" iconand the "Align Vertical Centers" icon. To deselect it, press Ctrl or Cmd + D. Group all the shapes into a folder by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + G. Let's name it "Shapes". We're ready to add text. Open your "Horizontal Type Tool" and choose a font. I'm using "DeathRattle BB Regular" which I downloaded from www.dafont.com. For your convenience, I provided its link in the video description of projectfiles. I'll start with a size of 200 points, Sharp, and Center Text. Click the color box and type in FFD800. Then, click OK or press Enter or Return. Click on your document and type your text. I'll type my first character and press the Space bar to make a space betweenit and the third letter in the word. The reason is because the second letter of the word isgoing to be placed in this empty space. It'll be bigger than the other characters and willbe treated separately. Double-click on an empty space of the text layer to open itsLayer Style window. Click "Stroke". I'll make the Size: 18 pixels, however, depending onthe size and resolution of your document, you may want to adjust this amount. Make surethe Position is "Outside. Then, click OK.Make a copy of your text by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J. Make the original text layer active and double-click it to highlight the text.I'll type the letter "A", which replaces the original characters in this layer. To makeyour character larger, you can either slide the Text icon to the right or type in a larger point size. To reposition it, open your Move Tool and move it. The letters are too cramped,so I'll make the other text layer active, click between the characters and press andhold Alt or Option as I press the right arrow key on my keyboard. To reposition and angleyour text, Shift-click on your lower text to highlight both text layers and press Ctrlor Cmd + T to open your Transform Tool. Go to a corner and when you see a curved, double-arrow,rotate the Transform to an angle you like. To reposition it, go inside the Transformand move your text. If you want to adjust its overall size, go to a corner and whenyou see a diagonal, double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option + Shift as you drag itout or in. Then, press Enter or Return. Click the top text layer to make it active and go to Filter, Pixelate and Color Halftone. Click "Rasterize" and keep the default settings.To apply this filter for your remaining character, make its layer active and press Ctrl or Cmd+ F to repeat the last filter. The last step is to give the text a drop shadow. Shift-click on the top layer to highlight both text layersand click the icon on the upper, right ofthe Layers panel. Click "Convert to Smart Object". This allows us to add more filtersand layer styles to the text. I'll show you what I mean in a minute. Double-click on anempty area of the Smart Object to open the Layer Style window. Click "Drop Shadow". Makethe Opacity: 20%, the Distance: 30 pixels and the Size: 0. Then, click OK. Notice the the drop shadow is the same thickness as your stroked text. If we didn't convert the textinto a smart object, the drop shadow would be a lot thinner because it would only beapplied to the original text without its stroke.This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. Thanks for for watching!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557


>> Are we auditioning>> Are we auditioning for "GirlCode: The Musical"?>> Are we auditioning for "GirlCode: The Musical"? I'd like to auditionfor "GirlCode: The Musical"? I'd like to auditionfor "GirlCode: The Musical"? I'd like to audition for the lead, please.I'd like to audition for the lead, please.I'd like to audition for the lead, please. >> Listen up, ladies.for the lead, please. >> Listen up, ladies.for the lead, please. >> Listen up, ladies. It's "GirlCode".>> Listen up, ladies. It's "GirlCode".>> Listen up, ladies. It's "GirlCode". On this episode of "GirlCode",It's "GirlCode". On this episode of "GirlCode",It's "GirlCode". On this episode of "GirlCode", we're marching to the beat ofOn this episode of "GirlCode", we're marching to the beat ofOn this episode of "GirlCode", we're marching to the beat of our drum because we've all gotwe're marching to the beat of our drum because we've all gotwe're marching to the beat of our drum because we've all got our own personal soundtrack.our drum because we've all got our own personal soundtrack.our drum because we've all got our own personal soundtrack. Listening to music.our own personal soundtrack. Listening to music.our own personal soundtrack. Listening to music. And some of us get done up likeListening to music. And some of us get done up likeListening to music. And some of us get done up like a diva while others get daringAnd some of us get done up like a diva while others get daringAnd some of us get done up like a diva while others get daring with a stage dive.a diva while others get daring with a stage dive.a diva while others get daring with a stage dive. You better know the codewith a stage dive. You better know the codewith a stage dive. You better know the code when you go to concerts.You better know the code when you go to concerts.You better know the code when you go to concerts. Then, there's no shamewhen you go to concerts. Then, there's no shamewhen you go to concerts. Then, there's no shame in our game as our cast exposesThen, there's no shame in our game as our cast exposesThen, there's no shame in our game as our cast exposes their guilty pleasuresin our game as our cast exposes their guilty pleasuresin our game as our cast exposes their guilty pleasures on Ask GirlCode.their guilty pleasures on Ask GirlCode.their guilty pleasures on Ask GirlCode. But first, maybe you're bornon Ask GirlCode. But first, maybe you're bornon Ask GirlCode. But first, maybe you're born with it or maybe it's justBut first, maybe you're born with it or maybe it's justBut first, maybe you're born with it or maybe it's just embarrassing.with it or maybe it's just embarrassing.with it or maybe it's just embarrassing. Being musical.embarrassing. Being musical.embarrassing. Being musical. >> I am so musical.Being musical. >> I am so musical.Being musical. >> I am so musical. In all the ways.>> I am so musical. In all the ways.>> I am so musical. In all the ways. >> I can play the guitarIn all the ways. >> I can play the guitarIn all the ways. >> I can play the guitar a little bit.>> I can play the guitar a little bit.>> I can play the guitar a little bit. I can play a G chorda little bit. I can play a G chorda little bit. I can play a G chord and a C chord and an A minorI can play a G chord and a C chord and an A minorI can play a G chord and a C chord and an A minor if you're sad.and a C chord and an A minor if you're sad.and a C chord and an A minor if you're sad. I don't know how to sing it,if you're sad. I don't know how to sing it,if you're sad. I don't know how to sing it, though.I don't know how to sing it, though.I don't know how to sing it, though. >> I am the least musical personthough. >> I am the least musical personthough. >> I am the least musical person you've ever met.>> I am the least musical person you've ever met.>> I am the least musical person you've ever met. I have no way--you've ever met. I have no way--you've ever met. I have no way-- I can't keep a beat.I have no way-- I can't keep a beat.I have no way-- I can't keep a beat. I don't understand it.I can't keep a beat. I don't understand it.I can't keep a beat. I don't understand it. My boyfriend recently told meI don't understand it. My boyfriend recently told meI don't understand it. My boyfriend recently told me things go one, two, three, four.My boyfriend recently told me things go one, two, three, four.My boyfriend recently told me things go one, two, three, four. I don't know what that means.things go one, two, three, four. I don't know what that means.things go one, two, three, four. I don't know what that means. >> I took singing lessons.I don't know what that means. >> I took singing lessons.I don't know what that means. >> I took singing lessons. My singing teacher was like,>> I took singing lessons. My singing teacher was like,>> I took singing lessons. My singing teacher was like, "You got a voice deep downMy singing teacher was like, "You got a voice deep downMy singing teacher was like, "You got a voice deep down inside you, but it's very deep.""You got a voice deep down inside you, but it's very deep.""You got a voice deep down inside you, but it's very deep." And I still haven't uncoveredinside you, but it's very deep." And I still haven't uncoveredinside you, but it's very deep." And I still haven't uncovered it-- I don't know where it is.And I still haven't uncovered it-- I don't know where it is.it-- I don't know where it is.>> ♪ Unh faux thuggin' ♪>> ♪ Unh faux thuggin' ♪ ♪ Killer queens lovin' ♪>> ♪ Unh faux thuggin' ♪ ♪ Killer queens lovin' ♪ ♪ You with that bitch ♪♪ Killer queens lovin' ♪ ♪ You with that bitch ♪♪ Killer queens lovin' ♪ ♪ You with that bitch ♪ ♪ Look like Pooh bear's cousin ♪♪ You with that bitch ♪ ♪ Look like Pooh bear's cousin ♪♪ You with that bitch ♪ ♪ Look like Pooh bear's cousin ♪ So when I was 17, I started♪ Look like Pooh bear's cousin ♪ So when I was 17, I started♪ Look like Pooh bear's cousin ♪ So when I was 17, I started producing my own music and thenSo when I was 17, I started producing my own music and thenSo when I was 17, I started producing my own music and then I decided to rap over the beatsproducing my own music and then I decided to rap over the beatsproducing my own music and then I decided to rap over the beats that I produced and that wasI decided to rap over the beats that I produced and that wasI decided to rap over the beats that I produced and that was where Awkwafina was born.that I produced and that was where Awkwafina was born.that I produced and that was where Awkwafina was born. So all the songs that I put onwhere Awkwafina was born. So all the songs that I put onwhere Awkwafina was born. So all the songs that I put on YouTube are like, I produced.So all the songs that I put on YouTube are like, I produced.So all the songs that I put on YouTube are like, I produced. With these handsYouTube are like, I produced. With these handsYouTube are like, I produced. With these hands >> There's definitely a lot ofWith these hands >> There's definitely a lot ofWith these hands >> There's definitely a lot of ways a girl can be musical.>> There's definitely a lot of ways a girl can be musical.>> There's definitely a lot of ways a girl can be musical. She can sing, she can play anways a girl can be musical. She can sing, she can play anways a girl can be musical. She can sing, she can play an instrument, like the piano orShe can sing, she can play an instrument, like the piano orShe can sing, she can play an instrument, like the piano or the guitar, or she could just beinstrument, like the piano or the guitar, or she could just beinstrument, like the piano or the guitar, or she could just be a drunk, annoying bitch thatthe guitar, or she could just be a drunk, annoying bitch thatthe guitar, or she could just be a drunk, annoying bitch that just sings all the timea drunk, annoying bitch that just sings all the timea drunk, annoying bitch that just sings all the time for no reason.just sings all the time for no reason.just sings all the time for no reason. >> You can write songs, you canfor no reason. >> You can write songs, you canfor no reason. >> You can write songs, you can write spoken word poetry.>> You can write songs, you can write spoken word poetry.>> You can write songs, you can write spoken word poetry. That's kind of musical, right?write spoken word poetry. That's kind of musical, right?write spoken word poetry. That's kind of musical, right? You can put that to music?That's kind of musical, right? You can put that to music?That's kind of musical, right? You can put that to music? I don't (bleep) know.You can put that to music? I don't (bleep) know.You can put that to music? I don't (bleep) know. >> You could be like, a reallyI don't (bleep) know. >> You could be like, a reallyI don't (bleep) know. >> You could be like, a really good hummer.>> You could be like, a really good hummer.>> You could be like, a really good hummer. >> There are differentgood hummer. >> There are differentgood hummer. >> There are different musical levels.>> There are different musical levels.>> There are different musical levels. Like, you singing in the showermusical levels. Like, you singing in the showermusical levels. Like, you singing in the shower doesn't make you musical unlessLike, you singing in the shower doesn't make you musical unlessLike, you singing in the shower doesn't make you musical unless you can sing.doesn't make you musical unless you can sing.doesn't make you musical unless you can sing. But everyone sounds goodyou can sing. But everyone sounds goodyou can sing. But everyone sounds good in the shower.But everyone sounds good in the shower.But everyone sounds good in the shower. It's 'cause like, the steam and,in the shower. It's 'cause like, the steam and,in the shower. It's 'cause like, the steam and, you know, it's closed and yourIt's 'cause like, the steam and, you know, it's closed and yourIt's 'cause like, the steam and, you know, it's closed and your voice, like, it just feels full.you know, it's closed and your voice, like, it just feels full.you know, it's closed and your voice, like, it just feels full. >> But when you say, "Whyvoice, like, it just feels full. >> But when you say, "Whyvoice, like, it just feels full. >> But when you say, "Why haven't I been discovered yet?">> But when you say, "Why haven't I been discovered yet?">> But when you say, "Why haven't I been discovered yet?" Last time, I checked, nobody,haven't I been discovered yet?" Last time, I checked, nobody,haven't I been discovered yet?" Last time, I checked, nobody, nobody ever got discoveredLast time, I checked, nobody, nobody ever got discoveredLast time, I checked, nobody, nobody ever got discovered in their showernobody ever got discovered in their showernobody ever got discovered in their shower unless they were a dead body.in their shower unless they were a dead body.in their shower unless they were a dead body. And then you're probablyunless they were a dead body. And then you're probablyunless they were a dead body. And then you're probably not singing.And then you're probably not singing.And then you're probably not singing. You probably sang your lastnot singing. You probably sang your lastnot singing. You probably sang your last song, my love.You probably sang your last song, my love.You probably sang your last song, my love. >> But singing is something yousong, my love. >> But singing is something yousong, my love. >> But singing is something you either have to be great at>> But singing is something you either have to be great at>> But singing is something you either have to be great at or horrible at.either have to be great at or horrible at.either have to be great at or horrible at. I feel like there'sor horrible at. I feel like there'sor horrible at. I feel like there's no gray area.I feel like there's no gray area.I feel like there's no gray area. You can't-- That's like ano gray area. You can't-- That's like ano gray area. You can't-- That's like a surgeon being like,You can't-- That's like a surgeon being like,surgeon being like,"I'm a pretty good surgeon."It's like,It's like, "Uh, you're not operatingIt's like, "Uh, you're not operating "on me with that attitude."Uh, you're not operating "on me with that attitude."Uh, you're not operating "on me with that attitude. That's terrifying.""on me with that attitude. That's terrifying.""on me with that attitude. That's terrifying." >> If you gave me a trumpet,That's terrifying." >> If you gave me a trumpet,That's terrifying." >> If you gave me a trumpet, I could play it.>> If you gave me a trumpet, I could play it.>> If you gave me a trumpet, I could play it. There's three buttons.I could play it. There's three buttons.I could play it. There's three buttons. Gimme a trumpet.There's three buttons. Gimme a trumpet.There's three buttons. Gimme a trumpet. You got a trumpet?Gimme a trumpet. You got a trumpet?Gimme a trumpet. You got a trumpet? Do you really have a trumpet?You got a trumpet? Do you really have a trumpet?You got a trumpet? Do you really have a trumpet? >> I do not know whatDo you really have a trumpet? >> I do not know whatDo you really have a trumpet? >> I do not know what the (bleep) this is right now.>> I do not know what the (bleep) this is right now.>> I do not know what the (bleep) this is right now. But I'll try.the (bleep) this is right now. But I'll try.the (bleep) this is right now. But I'll try. I will try.But I'll try. I will try.But I'll try. I will try. Do I put my mouth here?I will try. Do I put my mouth here?I will try. Do I put my mouth here? And then I inhale?Do I put my mouth here? And then I inhale?Do I put my mouth here? And then I inhale? >> If it's a percussionAnd then I inhale? >> If it's a percussionAnd then I inhale? >> If it's a percussion instrument, I think I've got it.>> If it's a percussion instrument, I think I've got it.>> If it's a percussion instrument, I think I've got it. >> This isn't even right.instrument, I think I've got it. >> This isn't even right.instrument, I think I've got it. >> This isn't even right. How am I supposed to play "Mary>> This isn't even right. How am I supposed to play "Mary>> This isn't even right. How am I supposed to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" with a pianoHow am I supposed to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" with a pianoHow am I supposed to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" with a piano and an organ?Had a Little Lamb" with a piano and an organ?Had a Little Lamb" with a piano and an organ? This is a set-up.and an organ? This is a set-up.and an organ? This is a set-up. >> ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪This is a set-up. >> ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪This is a set-up. >> ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪ ♪ Little lamb ♪>> ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪ ♪ Little lamb ♪>> ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪ ♪ Little lamb ♪ >> ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪♪ Little lamb ♪ >> ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪>> ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪>> ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪>> ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪ >> ♪ Her lamb was on the road ♪>> ♪ Her lamb was on the road ♪>> Can someone Google-- Ahh!>> Can someone Google-- Ahh! Oh no.>> Can someone Google-- Ahh! Oh no. >> I think there's a certain ageOh no. >> I think there's a certain ageOh no. >> I think there's a certain age where being musical becomes>> I think there's a certain age where being musical becomes>> I think there's a certain age where being musical becomes cool.where being musical becomes cool.where being musical becomes cool. Because when you're in highcool. Because when you're in highcool. Because when you're in high school and you're in a band,Because when you're in high school and you're in a band,Because when you're in high school and you're in a band, it's usually not very goodschool and you're in a band, it's usually not very goodschool and you're in a band, it's usually not very good or you're in the bandit's usually not very good or you're in the bandit's usually not very good or you're in the band and it's like, not good.or you're in the band and it's like, not good.or you're in the band and it's like, not good. >> You know in "American Pie"and it's like, not good. >> You know in "American Pie"and it's like, not good. >> You know in "American Pie" where Alyson Hannigan plays>> You know in "American Pie" where Alyson Hannigan plays>> You know in "American Pie" where Alyson Hannigan plays like, this freak who sticks awhere Alyson Hannigan plays like, this freak who sticks awhere Alyson Hannigan plays like, this freak who sticks a flute up her (bleep).like, this freak who sticks a flute up her (bleep).like, this freak who sticks a flute up her (bleep). Like, that is reality.flute up her (bleep). Like, that is reality.flute up her (bleep). Like, that is reality. That was who I was.Like, that is reality. That was who I was.Like, that is reality. That was who I was. That was me.That was who I was. That was me.That was who I was. That was me. >> I wish I was in the marchingThat was me. >> I wish I was in the marchingThat was me. >> I wish I was in the marching band.>> I wish I was in the marching band.>> I wish I was in the marching band. If I could go back... Yeah, Iband. If I could go back... Yeah, Iband. If I could go back... Yeah, I don't know if I would go back toIf I could go back... Yeah, I don't know if I would go back toIf I could go back... Yeah, I don't know if I would go back to high school for that.don't know if I would go back to high school for that.don't know if I would go back to high school for that. But if I had to go back,high school for that. But if I had to go back,high school for that. But if I had to go back, I would join the marching band.But if I had to go back, I would join the marching band.But if I had to go back, I would join the marching band. >> If you're in high school now,I would join the marching band. >> If you're in high school now,I would join the marching band. >> If you're in high school now, you don't feel super cool,>> If you're in high school now, you don't feel super cool,>> If you're in high school now, you don't feel super cool, guess what?you don't feel super cool, guess what?you don't feel super cool, guess what? All those losers are gonnaguess what? All those losers are gonnaguess what? All those losers are gonna probably stay in your hometownAll those losers are gonna probably stay in your hometownAll those losers are gonna probably stay in your hometown and be losers and you'll be atprobably stay in your hometown and be losers and you'll be atprobably stay in your hometown and be losers and you'll be at the New York Symphony or playingand be losers and you'll be at the New York Symphony or playingand be losers and you'll be at the New York Symphony or playing at Lincoln Center or maybethe New York Symphony or playing at Lincoln Center or maybethe New York Symphony or playing at Lincoln Center or maybe you'll be the next Lady Gaga.at Lincoln Center or maybe you'll be the next Lady Gaga.at Lincoln Center or maybe you'll be the next Lady Gaga. You'll be Lady Tata.you'll be the next Lady Gaga. You'll be Lady Tata.you'll be the next Lady Gaga. You'll be Lady Tata. >> There's just something aboutYou'll be Lady Tata. >> There's just something aboutYou'll be Lady Tata. >> There's just something about creatives when it comes to>> There's just something about creatives when it comes to>> There's just something about creatives when it comes to music.creatives when it comes to music.creatives when it comes to music. It just, it ticklesmusic. It just, it ticklesmusic. It just, it tickles my lady parts.It just, it tickles my lady parts.It just, it tickles my lady parts. I'm like, "Oh my gosh,my lady parts. I'm like, "Oh my gosh,my lady parts. I'm like, "Oh my gosh, "you're so sexy.I'm like, "Oh my gosh, "you're so sexy.I'm like, "Oh my gosh, "you're so sexy. I could hump your leg.""you're so sexy. I could hump your leg.""you're so sexy. I could hump your leg." >> It's just hot when a guy'sI could hump your leg." >> It's just hot when a guy'sI could hump your leg." >> It's just hot when a guy's like, musically just-->> It's just hot when a guy's like, musically just-->> It's just hot when a guy's like, musically just-- Oh, it's so hot.like, musically just-- Oh, it's so hot.like, musically just-- Oh, it's so hot. Like, even like, people who areOh, it's so hot. Like, even like, people who areOh, it's so hot. Like, even like, people who are (bleep), we're gonna throwLike, even like, people who are (bleep), we're gonna throwLike, even like, people who are (bleep), we're gonna throw ourselves at them.(bleep), we're gonna throw ourselves at them.(bleep), we're gonna throw ourselves at them. Like, look at John Mayer.ourselves at them. Like, look at John Mayer.ourselves at them. Like, look at John Mayer. I would (bleep) John MayerLike, look at John Mayer. I would (bleep) John MayerLike, look at John Mayer. I would (bleep) John Mayer so hard that he would be like...I would (bleep) John Mayer so hard that he would be like...I would (bleep) John Mayer so hard that he would be like... >> They're like, cool and theyso hard that he would be like... >> They're like, cool and theyso hard that he would be like... >> They're like, cool and they wear leather jackets and they>> They're like, cool and they wear leather jackets and they>> They're like, cool and they wear leather jackets and they smoke cigarettes.wear leather jackets and they smoke cigarettes.wear leather jackets and they smoke cigarettes. And they're just like, too coolsmoke cigarettes. And they're just like, too coolsmoke cigarettes. And they're just like, too cool for school, you know?And they're just like, too cool for school, you know?And they're just like, too cool for school, you know? >> "Babe, could you get offfor school, you know? >> "Babe, could you get offfor school, you know? >> "Babe, could you get off "the phone, babe?>> "Babe, could you get off "the phone, babe?>> "Babe, could you get off "the phone, babe? "Oh, come on."the phone, babe? "Oh, come on."the phone, babe? "Oh, come on. "I love you, babe."Oh, come on. "I love you, babe."Oh, come on. "I love you, babe. "It's just like, need to get"I love you, babe. "It's just like, need to get"I love you, babe. "It's just like, need to get this bridge right, man.""It's just like, need to get this bridge right, man.""It's just like, need to get this bridge right, man." >> "I was in the stu.this bridge right, man." >> "I was in the stu.this bridge right, man." >> "I was in the stu. "You don't trust me?>> "I was in the stu. "You don't trust me?>> "I was in the stu. "You don't trust me? "Oh, come on."You don't trust me? "Oh, come on."You don't trust me? "Oh, come on. "I can't work like this."Oh, come on. "I can't work like this."Oh, come on. "I can't work like this. "I'm an art-- I can't make music"I can't work like this. "I'm an art-- I can't make music"I can't work like this. "I'm an art-- I can't make music under these conditions.""I'm an art-- I can't make music under these conditions.""I'm an art-- I can't make music under these conditions." I got some conditions for you.under these conditions." I got some conditions for you.under these conditions." I got some conditions for you. >> Coming up, there are more dosI got some conditions for you. >> Coming up, there are more dosI got some conditions for you. >> Coming up, there are more dos than don'ts when you're trying>> Coming up, there are more dos than don'ts when you're trying>> Coming up, there are more dos than don'ts when you're trying to sneak backstage.than don'ts when you're trying to sneak backstage.than don'ts when you're trying to sneak backstage. >> I think when girls sneakto sneak backstage. >> I think when girls sneakto sneak backstage. >> I think when girls sneak backstage, they think they're>> I think when girls sneak backstage, they think they're>> I think when girls sneak backstage, they think they're going to go the angle of like,backstage, they think they're going to go the angle of like,backstage, they think they're going to go the angle of like, seducing a security guard.going to go the angle of like, seducing a security guard.going to go the angle of like, seducing a security guard. That doesn't automaticallyseducing a security guard. That doesn't automaticallyseducing a security guard. That doesn't automatically get you a pass, but it doesThat doesn't automatically get you a pass, but it doesThat doesn't automatically get you a pass, but it does automatically get you HPV.get you a pass, but it does automatically get you HPV.automatically get you HPV.>> By the way, never leave the>> By the way, never leave the house without your headphones>> By the way, never leave the house without your headphones because music can instantlyhouse without your headphones because music can instantlyhouse without your headphones because music can instantly make a bad situation better.because music can instantly make a bad situation better.because music can instantly make a bad situation better. If you don't like working out,make a bad situation better. If you don't like working out,make a bad situation better. If you don't like working out, put on your headphones and turnIf you don't like working out, put on your headphones and turnIf you don't like working out, put on your headphones and turn up your kick-ass playlist.put on your headphones and turn up your kick-ass playlist.put on your headphones and turn up your kick-ass playlist. If you're dreading going toup your kick-ass playlist. If you're dreading going toup your kick-ass playlist. If you're dreading going to work, pop those headphones onIf you're dreading going to work, pop those headphones onIf you're dreading going to work, pop those headphones on and play your favorite songwork, pop those headphones on and play your favorite songwork, pop those headphones on and play your favorite song on repeat.and play your favorite song on repeat.and play your favorite song on repeat. If you want to avoid someone,on repeat. If you want to avoid someone,on repeat. If you want to avoid someone, you know, who might annoy you,If you want to avoid someone, you know, who might annoy you,If you want to avoid someone, you know, who might annoy you, put on your headphonesyou know, who might annoy you, put on your headphonesyou know, who might annoy you, put on your headphones and listen to, well,put on your headphones and listen to, well,put on your headphones and listen to, well, literally anything.and listen to, well, literally anything.and listen to, well, literally anything. They'll get the hint.literally anything. They'll get the hint.literally anything. They'll get the hint. GirlCode.They'll get the hint. GirlCode.They'll get the hint. GirlCode. ♪GirlCode. ♪GirlCode. ♪ >> Welcome back to "GirlCode".♪ >> Welcome back to "GirlCode".♪ >> Welcome back to "GirlCode". Sorry, what did you say?>> Welcome back to "GirlCode". Sorry, what did you say?>> Welcome back to "GirlCode". Sorry, what did you say? I can't-- I can't hear you.Sorry, what did you say? I can't-- I can't hear you.Sorry, what did you say? I can't-- I can't hear you. >> I went to see a show of aI can't-- I can't hear you. >> I went to see a show of aI can't-- I can't hear you. >> I went to see a show of a rapper who thought that he was>> I went to see a show of a rapper who thought that he was>> I went to see a show of a rapper who thought that he was performing to a huge stadium,rapper who thought that he was performing to a huge stadium,rapper who thought that he was performing to a huge stadium, but it was actually a 12-personperforming to a huge stadium, but it was actually a 12-personperforming to a huge stadium, but it was actually a 12-person crowd in the middle of Bushwick.but it was actually a 12-person crowd in the middle of Bushwick.but it was actually a 12-person crowd in the middle of Bushwick. And he was so turned and hecrowd in the middle of Bushwick. And he was so turned and hecrowd in the middle of Bushwick. And he was so turned and he tried to stage dive and everyoneAnd he was so turned and he tried to stage dive and everyoneAnd he was so turned and he tried to stage dive and everyone was like, you know, with theirtried to stage dive and everyone was like, you know, with theirtried to stage dive and everyone was like, you know, with their IPAs like, "No!" And he did itwas like, you know, with their IPAs like, "No!" And he did itwas like, you know, with their IPAs like, "No!" And he did it anyway, hit the floorIPAs like, "No!" And he did it anyway, hit the floorIPAs like, "No!" And he did it anyway, hit the floor and passed out.anyway, hit the floor and passed out.anyway, hit the floor and passed out. So we had to like, wake him.and passed out. So we had to like, wake him.and passed out. So we had to like, wake him. His hype man had to be like,So we had to like, wake him. His hype man had to be like,So we had to like, wake him. His hype man had to be like, "Wake up, Joey.His hype man had to be like, "Wake up, Joey.His hype man had to be like, "Wake up, Joey. "Please wake up."Wake up, Joey. "Please wake up."Wake up, Joey. "Please wake up. This is not the end for you.""Please wake up. This is not the end for you.""Please wake up. This is not the end for you." >> I love concerts.This is not the end for you." >> I love concerts.This is not the end for you." >> I love concerts. I mean, here's the thing.>> I love concerts. I mean, here's the thing.>> I love concerts. I mean, here's the thing. It has to be a really dopeI mean, here's the thing. It has to be a really dopeI mean, here's the thing. It has to be a really dope concert for me to go 'causeIt has to be a really dope concert for me to go 'causeIt has to be a really dope concert for me to go 'cause I just don't wanna deal withconcert for me to go 'cause I just don't wanna deal withconcert for me to go 'cause I just don't wanna deal with parking and dealing with peopleI just don't wanna deal with parking and dealing with peopleI just don't wanna deal with parking and dealing with people and their BO and trying to like,parking and dealing with people and their BO and trying to like,parking and dealing with people and their BO and trying to like, maneuver and get my seats andand their BO and trying to like, maneuver and get my seats andand their BO and trying to like, maneuver and get my seats and try to get a drink and comemaneuver and get my seats and try to get a drink and comemaneuver and get my seats and try to get a drink and come back, only to want to fighttry to get a drink and come back, only to want to fighttry to get a drink and come back, only to want to fight someone who's trying to sit inback, only to want to fight someone who's trying to sit inback, only to want to fight someone who's trying to sit in my seat.someone who's trying to sit in my seat.someone who's trying to sit in my seat. >> The first concert I ever wentmy seat. >> The first concert I ever wentmy seat. >> The first concert I ever went to was O-Town.>> The first concert I ever went to was O-Town.>> The first concert I ever went to was O-Town. They've been broken up sinceto was O-Town. They've been broken up sinceto was O-Town. They've been broken up since probably that night.They've been broken up since probably that night.They've been broken up since probably that night. >> I've been to three in myprobably that night. >> I've been to three in myprobably that night. >> I've been to three in my life.>> I've been to three in my life.>> I've been to three in my life. I went to Al Green when I was 10life. I went to Al Green when I was 10life. I went to Al Green when I was 10 in Alabama with my parents.I went to Al Green when I was 10 in Alabama with my parents.I went to Al Green when I was 10 in Alabama with my parents. I went to 311 when I was reallyin Alabama with my parents. I went to 311 when I was reallyin Alabama with my parents. I went to 311 when I was really (bleep) without my parents.I went to 311 when I was really (bleep) without my parents.I went to 311 when I was really (bleep) without my parents. And I went to Motion City(bleep) without my parents. And I went to Motion City(bleep) without my parents. And I went to Motion City Soundtrack and I crowdsurfed andAnd I went to Motion City Soundtrack and I crowdsurfed andAnd I went to Motion City Soundtrack and I crowdsurfed and I wish my parents were there toSoundtrack and I crowdsurfed and I wish my parents were there toSoundtrack and I crowdsurfed and I wish my parents were there to see that.I wish my parents were there to see that.I wish my parents were there to see that. >> I would love, love, love tosee that. >> I would love, love, love tosee that. >> I would love, love, love to see Cher in person and I think>> I would love, love, love to see Cher in person and I think>> I would love, love, love to see Cher in person and I think she's going to be in Vegas and Isee Cher in person and I think she's going to be in Vegas and Isee Cher in person and I think she's going to be in Vegas and I just have to figure out someoneshe's going to be in Vegas and I just have to figure out someoneshe's going to be in Vegas and I just have to figure out someone to go with me.just have to figure out someone to go with me.just have to figure out someone to go with me. I may just be alone, like, just,to go with me. I may just be alone, like, just,to go with me. I may just be alone, like, just, I don't know if I can go alone.I may just be alone, like, just, I don't know if I can go alone.I may just be alone, like, just, I don't know if I can go alone. Like, who wants to go to aI don't know if I can go alone. Like, who wants to go to aI don't know if I can go alone. Like, who wants to go to a concert alone?Like, who wants to go to a concert alone?Like, who wants to go to a concert alone? Get drunk by myself and be like,concert alone? Get drunk by myself and be like,concert alone? Get drunk by myself and be like, "I love Cher.Get drunk by myself and be like, "I love Cher.Get drunk by myself and be like, "I love Cher. Oh, you're not my friend.""I love Cher. Oh, you're not my friend.""I love Cher. Oh, you're not my friend." >> I've never been a fan ofOh, you're not my friend." >> I've never been a fan ofOh, you're not my friend." >> I've never been a fan of wearing the artist like, on the>> I've never been a fan of wearing the artist like, on the>> I've never been a fan of wearing the artist like, on the shirt and getting like, one ofwearing the artist like, on the shirt and getting like, one ofwearing the artist like, on the shirt and getting like, one of those souvenirs and going toshirt and getting like, one of those souvenirs and going toshirt and getting like, one of those souvenirs and going to the concert.those souvenirs and going to the concert.those souvenirs and going to the concert. I think it's so corny.the concert. I think it's so corny.the concert. I think it's so corny. >> We get it.I think it's so corny. >> We get it.I think it's so corny. >> We get it. You're here.>> We get it. You're here.>> We get it. You're here. You don't have to let us knowYou're here. You don't have to let us knowYou're here. You don't have to let us know you like this artist.You don't have to let us know you like this artist.You don't have to let us know you like this artist. We already get it.you like this artist. We already get it.you like this artist. We already get it. You spent a stupid amount ofWe already get it. You spent a stupid amount ofWe already get it. You spent a stupid amount of money to sit in this stupidYou spent a stupid amount of money to sit in this stupidYou spent a stupid amount of money to sit in this stupid seat.money to sit in this stupid seat.money to sit in this stupid seat. >> It's really cool to wear aseat. >> It's really cool to wear aseat. >> It's really cool to wear a different genre of music T-shirt>> It's really cool to wear a different genre of music T-shirt>> It's really cool to wear a different genre of music T-shirt to the concert.different genre of music T-shirt to the concert.different genre of music T-shirt to the concert. Like, if you're going to seeto the concert. Like, if you're going to seeto the concert. Like, if you're going to see Future Islands, you can wearLike, if you're going to see Future Islands, you can wearLike, if you're going to see Future Islands, you can wear like, a rapper T-shirt.Future Islands, you can wear like, a rapper T-shirt.Future Islands, you can wear like, a rapper T-shirt. Like Ice-T.like, a rapper T-shirt. Like Ice-T.like, a rapper T-shirt. Like Ice-T. But like, not music Ice-T.Like Ice-T. But like, not music Ice-T.Like Ice-T. But like, not music Ice-T. Just a screenshot from "SVU".But like, not music Ice-T. Just a screenshot from "SVU".But like, not music Ice-T. Just a screenshot from "SVU". >> I don't know.Just a screenshot from "SVU". >> I don't know.Just a screenshot from "SVU". >> I don't know. I like it.>> I don't know. I like it.>> I don't know. I like it. I think it shows that you reallyI like it. I think it shows that you reallyI like it. I think it shows that you really like the band and it's cute.I think it shows that you really like the band and it's cute.I think it shows that you really like the band and it's cute. Like, I like, you know, evenlike the band and it's cute. Like, I like, you know, evenlike the band and it's cute. Like, I like, you know, even when I-- This is embarrassing,Like, I like, you know, even when I-- This is embarrassing,Like, I like, you know, even when I-- This is embarrassing, but even when I watch "Thewhen I-- This is embarrassing, but even when I watch "Thewhen I-- This is embarrassing, but even when I watch "The Walking Dead", I wear the shirt.but even when I watch "The Walking Dead", I wear the shirt.but even when I watch "The Walking Dead", I wear the shirt. And I'm only in my house.Walking Dead", I wear the shirt. And I'm only in my house.Walking Dead", I wear the shirt. And I'm only in my house. But I wear my shirtAnd I'm only in my house. But I wear my shirtAnd I'm only in my house. But I wear my shirt with Darryl's face on it.But I wear my shirt with Darryl's face on it.But I wear my shirt with Darryl's face on it. So I don't think it's wrong ifwith Darryl's face on it. So I don't think it's wrong ifwith Darryl's face on it. So I don't think it's wrong if people do that.So I don't think it's wrong if people do that.So I don't think it's wrong if people do that. >> Finding seats at a concert ispeople do that. >> Finding seats at a concert ispeople do that. >> Finding seats at a concert is always a (bleep) battle because>> Finding seats at a concert is always a (bleep) battle because>> Finding seats at a concert is always a (bleep) battle because either you show up eight and aalways a (bleep) battle because either you show up eight and aalways a (bleep) battle because either you show up eight and a half hours before anything, eveneither you show up eight and a half hours before anything, eveneither you show up eight and a half hours before anything, even the opener starts, so you'rehalf hours before anything, even the opener starts, so you'rehalf hours before anything, even the opener starts, so you're waiting in the front, but forthe opener starts, so you're waiting in the front, but forthe opener starts, so you're waiting in the front, but for eight and a half hours.waiting in the front, but for eight and a half hours.waiting in the front, but for eight and a half hours. Or you show up as the headlinereight and a half hours. Or you show up as the headlinereight and a half hours. Or you show up as the headliner comes on, but all you see isOr you show up as the headliner comes on, but all you see isOr you show up as the headliner comes on, but all you see is someone's back hair.comes on, but all you see is someone's back hair.comes on, but all you see is someone's back hair. >> Nobody will cut in front ofsomeone's back hair. >> Nobody will cut in front ofsomeone's back hair. >> Nobody will cut in front of you more politely than a 17- to>> Nobody will cut in front of you more politely than a 17- to>> Nobody will cut in front of you more politely than a 17- to 20-year-old girl at a concert.you more politely than a 17- to 20-year-old girl at a concert.you more politely than a 17- to 20-year-old girl at a concert. You've been waiting there for20-year-old girl at a concert. You've been waiting there for20-year-old girl at a concert. You've been waiting there for two hours, right?You've been waiting there for two hours, right?You've been waiting there for two hours, right? And then they just come withtwo hours, right? And then they just come withtwo hours, right? And then they just come with like, a Diet Coke in one handAnd then they just come with like, a Diet Coke in one handAnd then they just come with like, a Diet Coke in one hand and they're just like,like, a Diet Coke in one hand and they're just like,like, a Diet Coke in one hand and they're just like, "Oh, excuse me.and they're just like, "Oh, excuse me.and they're just like, "Oh, excuse me. "Sorry."Oh, excuse me. "Sorry."Oh, excuse me. "Sorry. "My uncle just went in front."Sorry. "My uncle just went in front."Sorry. "My uncle just went in front. "Oh, excuse me."My uncle just went in front. "Oh, excuse me."My uncle just went in front. "Oh, excuse me. "Oh, okay-- Thank you."Oh, excuse me. "Oh, okay-- Thank you."Oh, excuse me. "Oh, okay-- Thank you. "So excited."Oh, okay-- Thank you. "So excited."Oh, okay-- Thank you. "So excited. "Okay-- Excuse me."So excited. "Okay-- Excuse me."So excited. "Okay-- Excuse me. "All right, pardon me."Okay-- Excuse me. "All right, pardon me."Okay-- Excuse me. "All right, pardon me. Pardon me.""All right, pardon me. Pardon me.""All right, pardon me. Pardon me." >> People around you canPardon me." >> People around you canPardon me." >> People around you can definitely affect your concert>> People around you can definitely affect your concert>> People around you can definitely affect your concert experience.definitely affect your concert experience.definitely affect your concert experience. If there's somebody who'sexperience. If there's somebody who'sexperience. If there's somebody who's standing in front of you andIf there's somebody who's standing in front of you andIf there's somebody who's standing in front of you and blocking your view, if there'sstanding in front of you and blocking your view, if there'sstanding in front of you and blocking your view, if there's somebody who keeps screamingblocking your view, if there's somebody who keeps screamingblocking your view, if there's somebody who keeps screaming right behind you or right nextsomebody who keeps screaming right behind you or right nextsomebody who keeps screaming right behind you or right next to you or singing every song,right behind you or right next to you or singing every song,right behind you or right next to you or singing every song, it's like, "I did not come hereto you or singing every song, it's like, "I did not come hereto you or singing every song, it's like, "I did not come here for the drunk bitch behind meit's like, "I did not come here for the drunk bitch behind meit's like, "I did not come here for the drunk bitch behind me concert."for the drunk bitch behind me concert."for the drunk bitch behind me concert." >> If someone is singing tooconcert." >> If someone is singing tooconcert." >> If someone is singing too loudly and off-key, it's like,>> If someone is singing too loudly and off-key, it's like,>> If someone is singing too loudly and off-key, it's like, can you shut the (bleep) up andloudly and off-key, it's like, can you shut the (bleep) up andloudly and off-key, it's like, can you shut the (bleep) up and let the person I paid to comecan you shut the (bleep) up and let the person I paid to comecan you shut the (bleep) up and let the person I paid to come see sing?let the person I paid to come see sing?let the person I paid to come see sing? >> You know what, when you're atsee sing? >> You know what, when you're atsee sing? >> You know what, when you're at a concert, sing along.>> You know what, when you're at a concert, sing along.>> You know what, when you're at a concert, sing along. You know what, when you'rea concert, sing along. You know what, when you'rea concert, sing along. You know what, when you're watching Mariah Carey, at thatYou know what, when you're watching Mariah Carey, at thatYou know what, when you're watching Mariah Carey, at that moment, you are Mariah Carey.watching Mariah Carey, at that moment, you are Mariah Carey.watching Mariah Carey, at that moment, you are Mariah Carey. That's when you hitmoment, you are Mariah Carey. That's when you hitmoment, you are Mariah Carey. That's when you hit those high notes.That's when you hit those high notes.That's when you hit those high notes. That's when you use the hand.those high notes. That's when you use the hand.those high notes. That's when you use the hand. That's when you go up and downThat's when you use the hand. That's when you go up and downThat's when you use the hand. That's when you go up and down and like, you know, hold thatThat's when you go up and down and like, you know, hold thatThat's when you go up and down and like, you know, hold that ear in.and like, you know, hold that ear in.and like, you know, hold that ear in. You go.ear in. You go.ear in. You go. That's your time to shine.You go. That's your time to shine.You go. That's your time to shine. >> I don't really know how girlsThat's your time to shine. >> I don't really know how girlsThat's your time to shine. >> I don't really know how girls get backstage at a concert.>> I don't really know how girls get backstage at a concert.>> I don't really know how girls get backstage at a concert. I guess I'm not using my boobsget backstage at a concert. I guess I'm not using my boobsget backstage at a concert. I guess I'm not using my boobs to their full potential and II guess I'm not using my boobs to their full potential and II guess I'm not using my boobs to their full potential and I should.to their full potential and I should.to their full potential and I should. >> Guys don't get to goshould. >> Guys don't get to goshould. >> Guys don't get to go backstage.>> Guys don't get to go backstage.>> Guys don't get to go backstage. Girls get to go backstage.backstage. Girls get to go backstage.backstage. Girls get to go backstage. I mean, what are you going toGirls get to go backstage. I mean, what are you going toGirls get to go backstage. I mean, what are you going to say to an artist?I mean, what are you going to say to an artist?I mean, what are you going to say to an artist? Like, "Do you wanna hang outsay to an artist? Like, "Do you wanna hang outsay to an artist? Like, "Do you wanna hang out "while some chick (bleep) you?Like, "Do you wanna hang out "while some chick (bleep) you?Like, "Do you wanna hang out "while some chick (bleep) you? Do you need company, artist?""while some chick (bleep) you? Do you need company, artist?""while some chick (bleep) you? Do you need company, artist?" >> I think when girls sneakDo you need company, artist?" >> I think when girls sneakDo you need company, artist?" >> I think when girls sneak backstage, they think they're>> I think when girls sneak backstage, they think they're>> I think when girls sneak backstage, they think they're gonna go the angle of seducing abackstage, they think they're gonna go the angle of seducing abackstage, they think they're gonna go the angle of seducing a security guard.gonna go the angle of seducing a security guard.gonna go the angle of seducing a security guard. That doesn't automatically getsecurity guard. That doesn't automatically getsecurity guard. That doesn't automatically get you a pass, but it doesThat doesn't automatically get you a pass, but it doesThat doesn't automatically get you a pass, but it does automatically get you HPV.you a pass, but it does automatically get you HPV.automatically get you HPV.>> Why would the main star want>> Why would the main star want to meet you after you give his>> Why would the main star want to meet you after you give his weed carrier fellatio?to meet you after you give his weed carrier fellatio?to meet you after you give his weed carrier fellatio? What-- Just think about that forweed carrier fellatio? What-- Just think about that forweed carrier fellatio? What-- Just think about that for a second.What-- Just think about that for a second.What-- Just think about that for a second. You gave the weed carriera second. You gave the weed carriera second. You gave the weed carrier fellatio.You gave the weed carrier fellatio.You gave the weed carrier fellatio. What about that makes you thinkfellatio. What about that makes you thinkfellatio. What about that makes you think the main star's gonna want toWhat about that makes you think the main star's gonna want toWhat about that makes you think the main star's gonna want to meet you now?the main star's gonna want to meet you now?the main star's gonna want to meet you now? You have no respect formeet you now? You have no respect formeet you now? You have no respect for yourself.You have no respect for yourself.You have no respect for yourself. >> When you're trying to stalkyourself. >> When you're trying to stalkyourself. >> When you're trying to stalk someone and find them just so>> When you're trying to stalk someone and find them just so>> When you're trying to stalk someone and find them just so you can get a picture, it'ssomeone and find them just so you can get a picture, it'ssomeone and find them just so you can get a picture, it's like, "No.you can get a picture, it's like, "No.you can get a picture, it's like, "No. "Photoshop that (bleep),like, "No. "Photoshop that (bleep),like, "No. "Photoshop that (bleep), "put it on Instagram."Photoshop that (bleep), "put it on Instagram."Photoshop that (bleep), "put it on Instagram. "Nobody will ever know the"put it on Instagram. "Nobody will ever know the"put it on Instagram. "Nobody will ever know the difference.""Nobody will ever know the difference.""Nobody will ever know the difference." >> The closest I've ever gottendifference." >> The closest I've ever gottendifference." >> The closest I've ever gotten to going backstage at a concert>> The closest I've ever gotten to going backstage at a concert>> The closest I've ever gotten to going backstage at a concert is, uh, having plans after ato going backstage at a concert is, uh, having plans after ato going backstage at a concert is, uh, having plans after a concert with one of the membersis, uh, having plans after a concert with one of the membersis, uh, having plans after a concert with one of the members of Rockapella.concert with one of the members of Rockapella.concert with one of the members of Rockapella. >> Coming up, we self-medicateof Rockapella. >> Coming up, we self-medicateof Rockapella. >> Coming up, we self-medicate with music.>> Coming up, we self-medicate with music.>> Coming up, we self-medicate with music. >> I definitely think music canwith music. >> I definitely think music canwith music. >> I definitely think music can be therapeutic.>> I definitely think music can be therapeutic.>> I definitely think music can be therapeutic. It'll calm you down, it'll takebe therapeutic. It'll calm you down, it'll takebe therapeutic. It'll calm you down, it'll take your mind off things.It'll calm you down, it'll take your mind off things.It'll calm you down, it'll take your mind off things. It's a good, it's a goodyour mind off things. It's a good, it's a goodyour mind off things. It's a good, it's a good therapy.It's a good, it's a good therapy.It's a good, it's a good therapy. It's not all the therapy I need,therapy. It's not all the therapy I need,therapy. It's not all the therapy I need, but it's one of them.It's not all the therapy I need, but it's one of them.but it's one of them.>> Music festival outfits,>> Music festival outfits, I can't.>> Music festival outfits, I can't. What is with the flower (bleep)I can't. What is with the flower (bleep)I can't. What is with the flower (bleep) headdress?What is with the flower (bleep) headdress?What is with the flower (bleep) headdress? It looks (bleep) stupid.headdress? It looks (bleep) stupid.headdress? It looks (bleep) stupid. You're not a flower childIt looks (bleep) stupid. You're not a flower childIt looks (bleep) stupid. You're not a flower child this isn't the '60s.You're not a flower child this isn't the '60s.You're not a flower child this isn't the '60s. We're in the future.this isn't the '60s. We're in the future.this isn't the '60s. We're in the future. Also, I can't with all theWe're in the future. Also, I can't with all theWe're in the future. Also, I can't with all the fringe and (bleep) like that andAlso, I can't with all the fringe and (bleep) like that andAlso, I can't with all the fringe and (bleep) like that and oh my God, I can't with Nativefringe and (bleep) like that and oh my God, I can't with Nativefringe and (bleep) like that and oh my God, I can't with Native American headdresses.oh my God, I can't with Native American headdresses.oh my God, I can't with Native American headdresses. Why are you wearing one?American headdresses. Why are you wearing one?American headdresses. Why are you wearing one? You're just a random-assWhy are you wearing one? You're just a random-assWhy are you wearing one? You're just a random-ass white lady.You're just a random-ass white lady.You're just a random-ass white lady. You're not a Native American.white lady. You're not a Native American.white lady. You're not a Native American. Wear your own culture.You're not a Native American. Wear your own culture.You're not a Native American. Wear your own culture. I can't.Wear your own culture. I can't.I can't.>> Welcome back to "GirlCode".>> Welcome back to "GirlCode". It's music to our ears.>> Welcome back to "GirlCode". It's music to our ears. Literally.It's music to our ears. Literally.It's music to our ears. Literally. We're listening to music.Literally. We're listening to music.Literally. We're listening to music. >> Gosh, I listen to music allWe're listening to music. >> Gosh, I listen to music allWe're listening to music. >> Gosh, I listen to music all the time-- Literally.>> Gosh, I listen to music all the time-- Literally.>> Gosh, I listen to music all the time-- Literally. Like, don't laugh at me andthe time-- Literally. Like, don't laugh at me andthe time-- Literally. Like, don't laugh at me and don't judge me, but the firstLike, don't laugh at me and don't judge me, but the firstLike, don't laugh at me and don't judge me, but the first thing I do when I wake up isdon't judge me, but the first thing I do when I wake up isdon't judge me, but the first thing I do when I wake up is play my gospel playlist becausething I do when I wake up is play my gospel playlist becausething I do when I wake up is play my gospel playlist because you have to start your day offplay my gospel playlist because you have to start your day offplay my gospel playlist because you have to start your day off on the good foot.you have to start your day off on the good foot.you have to start your day off on the good foot. >> My taste of music ison the good foot. >> My taste of music ison the good foot. >> My taste of music is basically anything that's>> My taste of music is basically anything that's>> My taste of music is basically anything that's Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey,basically anything that's Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey,basically anything that's Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Tupac.Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Tupac.Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Tupac. >> I kind of just listen toTupac. >> I kind of just listen toTupac. >> I kind of just listen to like, dad music.>> I kind of just listen to like, dad music.>> I kind of just listen to like, dad music. I listen to like, middle-agedlike, dad music. I listen to like, middle-agedlike, dad music. I listen to like, middle-aged old man, just cleaning out theirI listen to like, middle-aged old man, just cleaning out theirI listen to like, middle-aged old man, just cleaning out their garage music.old man, just cleaning out their garage music.old man, just cleaning out their garage music. >> My musical tastes can begarage music. >> My musical tastes can begarage music. >> My musical tastes can be described in one word-- Chingy.>> My musical tastes can be described in one word-- Chingy.described in one word-- Chingy.>> Sometimes because I'm so>> Sometimes because I'm so white, people are surprised that>> Sometimes because I'm so white, people are surprised that I listen to as much 2 Chainzwhite, people are surprised that I listen to as much 2 Chainzwhite, people are surprised that I listen to as much 2 Chainz as I do, but it's like, whiteI listen to as much 2 Chainz as I do, but it's like, whiteI listen to as much 2 Chainz as I do, but it's like, white people listen to rap music.as I do, but it's like, white people listen to rap music.as I do, but it's like, white people listen to rap music. Everybody knows that.people listen to rap music. Everybody knows that.people listen to rap music. Everybody knows that. >> I love Cher.Everybody knows that. >> I love Cher.Everybody knows that. >> I love Cher. My ringtone for the last five>> I love Cher. My ringtone for the last five>> I love Cher. My ringtone for the last five years has been "Believe".My ringtone for the last five years has been "Believe".My ringtone for the last five years has been "Believe". Oh.years has been "Believe". Oh.years has been "Believe". Oh. I love Cher.Oh. I love Cher.Oh. I love Cher. >> I have all these playlists.I love Cher. >> I have all these playlists.I love Cher. >> I have all these playlists. There's one called "No Really>> I have all these playlists. There's one called "No Really>> I have all these playlists. There's one called "No Really Though" and that's supposed toThere's one called "No Really Though" and that's supposed toThere's one called "No Really Though" and that's supposed to be like, get over yourThough" and that's supposed to be like, get over yourThough" and that's supposed to be like, get over your ex-boyfriend list,be like, get over your ex-boyfriend list,be like, get over your ex-boyfriend list, but it doesn't work.ex-boyfriend list, but it doesn't work.ex-boyfriend list, but it doesn't work. And I have another one calledbut it doesn't work. And I have another one calledbut it doesn't work. And I have another one called "Booty Had Me Like" and that'sAnd I have another one called "Booty Had Me Like" and that'sAnd I have another one called "Booty Had Me Like" and that's all current booty jams."Booty Had Me Like" and that's all current booty jams."Booty Had Me Like" and that's all current booty jams. And I have one called "Coochieall current booty jams. And I have one called "Coochieall current booty jams. And I have one called "Coochie Diamonds", which is just like,And I have one called "Coochie Diamonds", which is just like,And I have one called "Coochie Diamonds", which is just like, old booty jams.Diamonds", which is just like, old booty jams.Diamonds", which is just like, old booty jams. >> My friend has like, aold booty jams. >> My friend has like, aold booty jams. >> My friend has like, a smoothie playlist.>> My friend has like, a smoothie playlist.>> My friend has like, a smoothie playlist. I don't know if that's she'ssmoothie playlist. I don't know if that's she'ssmoothie playlist. I don't know if that's she's making a smoothie or eating theI don't know if that's she's making a smoothie or eating theI don't know if that's she's making a smoothie or eating the smoothie or this reminds her ofmaking a smoothie or eating the smoothie or this reminds her ofmaking a smoothie or eating the smoothie or this reminds her of a smoothie?smoothie or this reminds her of a smoothie?smoothie or this reminds her of a smoothie? These are smoothie songs.a smoothie? These are smoothie songs.a smoothie? These are smoothie songs. >> I've seen some girls' iPods.These are smoothie songs. >> I've seen some girls' iPods.These are smoothie songs. >> I've seen some girls' iPods. You girls have like, period>> I've seen some girls' iPods. You girls have like, period>> I've seen some girls' iPods. You girls have like, period playlists.You girls have like, period playlists.You girls have like, period playlists. Just like, I didn't know thereplaylists. Just like, I didn't know thereplaylists. Just like, I didn't know there was specific music that youJust like, I didn't know there was specific music that youJust like, I didn't know there was specific music that you would only listen to when yourwas specific music that you would only listen to when yourwas specific music that you would only listen to when your period is on, like menstrualwould only listen to when your period is on, like menstrualwould only listen to when your period is on, like menstrual music.period is on, like menstrual music.period is on, like menstrual music. >> My taste in music ismusic. >> My taste in music ismusic. >> My taste in music is horrible, so I just name my>> My taste in music is horrible, so I just name my>> My taste in music is horrible, so I just name my playlists knowing that someonehorrible, so I just name my playlists knowing that someonehorrible, so I just name my playlists knowing that someone is eventually going to find myplaylists knowing that someone is eventually going to find myplaylists knowing that someone is eventually going to find my playlists and think I'm a pieceis eventually going to find my playlists and think I'm a pieceis eventually going to find my playlists and think I'm a piece of (bleep).playlists and think I'm a piece of (bleep).playlists and think I'm a piece of (bleep). So I just name it.of (bleep). So I just name it.of (bleep). So I just name it. I just go, "Yes, I'm EmbarrassedSo I just name it. I just go, "Yes, I'm EmbarrassedSo I just name it. I just go, "Yes, I'm Embarrassed By This".I just go, "Yes, I'm Embarrassed By This".I just go, "Yes, I'm Embarrassed By This". "This is (bleep) Music."By This". "This is (bleep) Music."By This". "This is (bleep) Music." "I Have Terrible Taste"."This is (bleep) Music." "I Have Terrible Taste"."This is (bleep) Music." "I Have Terrible Taste". >> I would rather do nothing"I Have Terrible Taste". >> I would rather do nothing"I Have Terrible Taste". >> I would rather do nothing than make a playlist.>> I would rather do nothing than make a playlist.>> I would rather do nothing than make a playlist. It like, bothers me.than make a playlist. It like, bothers me.than make a playlist. It like, bothers me. I recently just took all theIt like, bothers me. I recently just took all theIt like, bothers me. I recently just took all the music off my phone and put onI recently just took all the music off my phone and put onI recently just took all the music off my phone and put on new music and the whole processmusic off my phone and put on new music and the whole processmusic off my phone and put on new music and the whole process had me just exhausted.new music and the whole process had me just exhausted.new music and the whole process had me just exhausted. I was just like, "Ugh, I'm spenthad me just exhausted. I was just like, "Ugh, I'm spenthad me just exhausted. I was just like, "Ugh, I'm spent "for today.I was just like, "Ugh, I'm spent "for today.I was just like, "Ugh, I'm spent "for today. I can't do anything else.""for today. I can't do anything else.""for today. I can't do anything else." So I don't make playlists.I can't do anything else." So I don't make playlists.I can't do anything else." So I don't make playlists. It's not for me.So I don't make playlists. It's not for me.So I don't make playlists. It's not for me. >> I think music can definitelyIt's not for me. >> I think music can definitelyIt's not for me. >> I think music can definitely be therapeutic.>> I think music can definitely be therapeutic.>> I think music can definitely be therapeutic. It'll calm you down, it'll takebe therapeutic. It'll calm you down, it'll takebe therapeutic. It'll calm you down, it'll take your mind off things.It'll calm you down, it'll take your mind off things.It'll calm you down, it'll take your mind off things. It's a good, it's a goodyour mind off things. It's a good, it's a goodyour mind off things. It's a good, it's a good therapy.It's a good, it's a good therapy.It's a good, it's a good therapy. It's not all the therapy I need,therapy. It's not all the therapy I need,therapy. It's not all the therapy I need, but it's one of them.It's not all the therapy I need, but it's one of them.It's not all the therapy I need, but it's one of them. >> When you're sad, every songbut it's one of them. >> When you're sad, every songbut it's one of them. >> When you're sad, every song speaks to you because you're>> When you're sad, every song speaks to you because you're>> When you're sad, every song speaks to you because you're searching for that meaning,speaks to you because you're searching for that meaning,speaks to you because you're searching for that meaning, that connection.searching for that meaning, that connection.searching for that meaning, that connection. >> When I went through athat connection. >> When I went through athat connection. >> When I went through a breakup, I just listened to a>> When I went through a breakup, I just listened to a>> When I went through a breakup, I just listened to a lot of Adele and I thought itbreakup, I just listened to a lot of Adele and I thought itbreakup, I just listened to a lot of Adele and I thought it was helping and then I realizedlot of Adele and I thought it was helping and then I realizedlot of Adele and I thought it was helping and then I realized maybe it's not.was helping and then I realized maybe it's not.was helping and then I realized maybe it's not. Maybe I'm just becoming moremaybe it's not. Maybe I'm just becoming moremaybe it's not. Maybe I'm just becoming more sad.Maybe I'm just becoming more sad.Maybe I'm just becoming more sad. And I though, Adele must be sadsad. And I though, Adele must be sadsad. And I though, Adele must be sad all the time.And I though, Adele must be sad all the time.And I though, Adele must be sad all the time. She's always listening to Adele.all the time. She's always listening to Adele.all the time. She's always listening to Adele. >> If you're sad, going throughShe's always listening to Adele. >> If you're sad, going throughShe's always listening to Adele. >> If you're sad, going through a breakup, don't listen to>> If you're sad, going through a breakup, don't listen to>> If you're sad, going through a breakup, don't listen to breakup songs.a breakup, don't listen to breakup songs.a breakup, don't listen to breakup songs. That's the worst thingbreakup songs. That's the worst thingbreakup songs. That's the worst thing you could do.That's the worst thing you could do.That's the worst thing you could do. Listen to happy stuff.you could do. Listen to happy stuff.you could do. Listen to happy stuff. NSync.Listen to happy stuff. NSync.Listen to happy stuff. NSync. Do the moves.NSync. Do the moves.NSync. Do the moves. Like that.Do the moves. Like that.Do the moves. Like that. And this is NSync with the handLike that. And this is NSync with the handLike that. And this is NSync with the hand like this.And this is NSync with the hand like this.And this is NSync with the hand like this. This is the Backstreet Boys withlike this. This is the Backstreet Boys withlike this. This is the Backstreet Boys with the hand like that.This is the Backstreet Boys with the hand like that.This is the Backstreet Boys with the hand like that. I know.the hand like that. I know.the hand like that. I know. >> When a song gets stuck inI know. >> When a song gets stuck inI know. >> When a song gets stuck in your head, it's the most>> When a song gets stuck in your head, it's the most>> When a song gets stuck in your head, it's the most annoying thing ever.your head, it's the most annoying thing ever.your head, it's the most annoying thing ever. 'Cause you're thinking about itannoying thing ever. 'Cause you're thinking about itannoying thing ever. 'Cause you're thinking about it all the time or you're saying'Cause you're thinking about it all the time or you're saying'Cause you're thinking about it all the time or you're saying a part of it all day,all the time or you're saying a part of it all day,all the time or you're saying a part of it all day, just on repeat.a part of it all day, just on repeat.a part of it all day, just on repeat. Like (vocalizing).just on repeat. Like (vocalizing).just on repeat. Like (vocalizing). People are like, "What?"Like (vocalizing). People are like, "What?"Like (vocalizing). People are like, "What?" (vocalizing)People are like, "What?" (vocalizing)People are like, "What?" (vocalizing) >> It's very annoying when songs(vocalizing) >> It's very annoying when songs(vocalizing) >> It's very annoying when songs get stuck in my head because I>> It's very annoying when songs get stuck in my head because I>> It's very annoying when songs get stuck in my head because I don't have time to learn lyrics.get stuck in my head because I don't have time to learn lyrics.get stuck in my head because I don't have time to learn lyrics. So I don't know the lyrics.don't have time to learn lyrics. So I don't know the lyrics.don't have time to learn lyrics. So I don't know the lyrics. So I'll be like, "Hey, this songSo I don't know the lyrics. So I'll be like, "Hey, this songSo I don't know the lyrics. So I'll be like, "Hey, this song "is stuck in my headSo I'll be like, "Hey, this song "is stuck in my headSo I'll be like, "Hey, this song "is stuck in my head "and it goes like this."is stuck in my head "and it goes like this."and it goes like this."Ning non wong ningahn ing gong."ahn ing gong." And you're like, "What is that?"ahn ing gong." And you're like, "What is that?" And I'm like, "You know.And you're like, "What is that?" And I'm like, "You know.And you're like, "What is that?" And I'm like, "You know. "Nah am me.And I'm like, "You know. "Nah am me.And I'm like, "You know. "Nah am me. Um, ahh.""Nah am me. Um, ahh.""Nah am me. Um, ahh." >> What you do when you get aUm, ahh." >> What you do when you get aUm, ahh." >> What you do when you get a song stuck in your head is you>> What you do when you get a song stuck in your head is you>> What you do when you get a song stuck in your head is you listen to that song.song stuck in your head is you listen to that song.song stuck in your head is you listen to that song. And it gets it undone.listen to that song. And it gets it undone.listen to that song. And it gets it undone. Somehow-- Magically.And it gets it undone. Somehow-- Magically.And it gets it undone. Somehow-- Magically. >> I don't know, just listen toSomehow-- Magically. >> I don't know, just listen toSomehow-- Magically. >> I don't know, just listen to like, an auto-tuned R&B remix of>> I don't know, just listen to like, an auto-tuned R&B remix of>> I don't know, just listen to like, an auto-tuned R&B remix of turtles having sex.like, an auto-tuned R&B remix of turtles having sex.like, an auto-tuned R&B remix of turtles having sex. That will get anything unstuck.turtles having sex. That will get anything unstuck.turtles having sex. That will get anything unstuck. >> You have to listen to musicThat will get anything unstuck. >> You have to listen to musicThat will get anything unstuck. >> You have to listen to music when you're having sex, okay?>> You have to listen to music when you're having sex, okay?>> You have to listen to music when you're having sex, okay? Just take two secondswhen you're having sex, okay? Just take two secondswhen you're having sex, okay? Just take two seconds to be like, "Hold on.Just take two seconds to be like, "Hold on.Just take two seconds to be like, "Hold on. "Before we get started,to be like, "Hold on. "Before we get started,to be like, "Hold on. "Before we get started, let's crank it up.""Before we get started, let's crank it up.""Before we get started, let's crank it up." >> When a song is on when you'relet's crank it up." >> When a song is on when you'relet's crank it up." >> When a song is on when you're like, trying to make out, it's>> When a song is on when you're like, trying to make out, it's>> When a song is on when you're like, trying to make out, it's so strange because like, it canlike, trying to make out, it's so strange because like, it canlike, trying to make out, it's so strange because like, it can really get you in the mood andso strange because like, it can really get you in the mood andso strange because like, it can really get you in the mood and you're like, "Oh my God,really get you in the mood and you're like, "Oh my God,you're like, "Oh my God,we're so in love."And then it gets toAnd then it gets to a point where you're like,And then it gets to a point where you're like, "Oh, turn this off.a point where you're like, "Oh, turn this off.a point where you're like, "Oh, turn this off. "This is weird."Oh, turn this off. "This is weird."Oh, turn this off. "This is weird. "I'm feeling too much here."This is weird. "I'm feeling too much here."This is weird. "I'm feeling too much here. I don't think it's coming"I'm feeling too much here. I don't think it's coming"I'm feeling too much here. I don't think it's coming "from me.I don't think it's coming "from me.I don't think it's coming "from me. "I think it's coming"from me. "I think it's coming"from me. "I think it's coming from Coldplay.""I think it's coming from Coldplay.""I think it's coming from Coldplay." >> I lost my virginity on afrom Coldplay." >> I lost my virginity on afrom Coldplay." >> I lost my virginity on a waterbed to DMX.>> I lost my virginity on a waterbed to DMX.>> I lost my virginity on a waterbed to DMX. He wasn't the guy I was havingwaterbed to DMX. He wasn't the guy I was havingwaterbed to DMX. He wasn't the guy I was having sex with, but that was the musicHe wasn't the guy I was having sex with, but that was the musicHe wasn't the guy I was having sex with, but that was the music playing, so I have a specialsex with, but that was the music playing, so I have a specialsex with, but that was the music playing, so I have a special place in my heart for him.playing, so I have a special place in my heart for him.playing, so I have a special place in my heart for him. (raspy shouting)place in my heart for him. (raspy shouting)place in my heart for him. (raspy shouting) >> Just make sure it doesn't(raspy shouting) >> Just make sure it doesn't(raspy shouting) >> Just make sure it doesn't have too many lyrics 'cause you>> Just make sure it doesn't have too many lyrics 'cause you>> Just make sure it doesn't have too many lyrics 'cause you don't wanna be like doing it andhave too many lyrics 'cause you don't wanna be like doing it andhave too many lyrics 'cause you don't wanna be like doing it and being like, (vocalizing).don't wanna be like doing it and being like, (vocalizing).don't wanna be like doing it and being like, (vocalizing). You don't want to start singingbeing like, (vocalizing). You don't want to start singingbeing like, (vocalizing). You don't want to start singing the song while you're doing it?You don't want to start singing the song while you're doing it?You don't want to start singing the song while you're doing it? And you also don't want to like,the song while you're doing it? And you also don't want to like,the song while you're doing it? And you also don't want to like, do it to the song 'cause that'sAnd you also don't want to like, do it to the song 'cause that'sAnd you also don't want to like, do it to the song 'cause that's just cheesy.do it to the song 'cause that's just cheesy.do it to the song 'cause that's just cheesy. >> Music can't really get me injust cheesy. >> Music can't really get me injust cheesy. >> Music can't really get me in the mood with sex.>> Music can't really get me in the mood with sex.>> Music can't really get me in the mood with sex. That's really only fingers.the mood with sex. That's really only fingers.the mood with sex. That's really only fingers. I'm not gonna lie to you.That's really only fingers. I'm not gonna lie to you.That's really only fingers. I'm not gonna lie to you. There's no music that's beenI'm not gonna lie to you. There's no music that's beenI'm not gonna lie to you. There's no music that's been like, "Oh, I'm soaking wet now."There's no music that's been like, "Oh, I'm soaking wet now."There's no music that's been like, "Oh, I'm soaking wet now." No, you just gotta boop, boop.like, "Oh, I'm soaking wet now." No, you just gotta boop, boop.like, "Oh, I'm soaking wet now." No, you just gotta boop, boop. >> I don't like listening toNo, you just gotta boop, boop. >> I don't like listening toNo, you just gotta boop, boop. >> I don't like listening to music when I'm having sex>> I don't like listening to music when I'm having sex>> I don't like listening to music when I'm having sex because I'm 100% sure I'll bemusic when I'm having sex because I'm 100% sure I'll bebecause I'm 100% sure I'll belike, "Ooh, that's my jam!"And he's like,And he's like, "Can you concentrate onAnd he's like, "Can you concentrate on what's happening?""Can you concentrate on what's happening?""Can you concentrate on what's happening?" I'm like, "Can't do it.what's happening?" I'm like, "Can't do it.what's happening?" I'm like, "Can't do it. Gotta get up and Hammertime."I'm like, "Can't do it. Gotta get up and Hammertime."I'm like, "Can't do it. Gotta get up and Hammertime." >> Coming up, we're the basicGotta get up and Hammertime." >> Coming up, we're the basicGotta get up and Hammertime." >> Coming up, we're the basic bitches you thought we were.>> Coming up, we're the basic bitches you thought we were.>> Coming up, we're the basic bitches you thought we were. >> It's really fun to be like,bitches you thought we were. >> It's really fun to be like,bitches you thought we were. >> It's really fun to be like, I'm this and I also can sing>> It's really fun to be like, I'm this and I also can sing>> It's really fun to be like, I'm this and I also can sing "Youzza Ho" in its entirety.I'm this and I also can sing "Youzza Ho" in its entirety."Youzza Ho" in its entirety.>> By the way, listening to only>> By the way, listening to only hippity-hop and rap music does>> By the way, listening to only hippity-hop and rap music does not make you a connoisseur ofhippity-hop and rap music does not make you a connoisseur ofhippity-hop and rap music does not make you a connoisseur of good music.not make you a connoisseur of good music.not make you a connoisseur of good music. Throw in some jazz, throw ingood music. Throw in some jazz, throw ingood music. Throw in some jazz, throw in some light rock.Throw in some jazz, throw in some light rock.Throw in some jazz, throw in some light rock. Throw in some rock and roll.some light rock. Throw in some rock and roll.some light rock. Throw in some rock and roll. A little country music neverThrow in some rock and roll. A little country music neverThrow in some rock and roll. A little country music never hurt anybody around these parts,A little country music never hurt anybody around these parts,A little country music never hurt anybody around these parts, people.hurt anybody around these parts, people.hurt anybody around these parts, people. I mean, come on.people. I mean, come on.people. I mean, come on. Music is the universal language,I mean, come on. Music is the universal language,I mean, come on. Music is the universal language, so expand your mind.Music is the universal language, so expand your mind.Music is the universal language, so expand your mind. GirlCode.so expand your mind. GirlCode.so expand your mind. GirlCode. >> Stay tuned for moreGirlCode. >> Stay tuned for moreGirlCode. >> Stay tuned for more "GirlCode", coming to you>> Stay tuned for more "GirlCode", coming to you>> Stay tuned for more "GirlCode", coming to you right now."GirlCode", coming to you right now.right now.>> If he takes youto a One Direction concertto a One Direction concert and he lets youto a One Direction concert and he lets you make out with Harry Styles...and he lets you make out with Harry Styles...and he lets you make out with Harry Styles... >> If you meet a guymake out with Harry Styles... >> If you meet a guymake out with Harry Styles... >> If you meet a guy and he says he's in a band and>> If you meet a guy and he says he's in a band and>> If you meet a guy and he says he's in a band and then you find out he's notand he says he's in a band and then you find out he's notand he says he's in a band and then you find out he's not in just a one-man band...then you find out he's not in just a one-man band...then you find out he's not in just a one-man band... >> If a guy sees your full musicin just a one-man band... >> If a guy sees your full musicin just a one-man band... >> If a guy sees your full music collection and doesn't>> If a guy sees your full music collection and doesn't>> If a guy sees your full music collection and doesn't immediately dump you...collection and doesn't immediately dump you...collection and doesn't immediately dump you... >> If he dresses up and listensimmediately dump you... >> If he dresses up and listensimmediately dump you... >> If he dresses up and listens to the Cher album with you,>> If he dresses up and listens to the Cher album with you,>> If he dresses up and listens to the Cher album with you, he's a keeper.to the Cher album with you, he's a keeper.to the Cher album with you, he's a keeper. Or gay.he's a keeper. Or gay.Or gay.>> Welcome back to "GirlCode".>> Welcome back to "GirlCode". Need to change your tune?>> Welcome back to "GirlCode". Need to change your tune? Ask GirlCode is here to help.Need to change your tune? Ask GirlCode is here to help.Ask GirlCode is here to help.>> "What's your guilty pleasure>> "What's your guilty pleasure "band slash singer that you'd>> "What's your guilty pleasure "band slash singer that you'd hate for anyone to find out?""band slash singer that you'd hate for anyone to find out?""band slash singer that you'd hate for anyone to find out?" I love the group called Poison.hate for anyone to find out?" I love the group called Poison.hate for anyone to find out?" I love the group called Poison. Like the rock band.I love the group called Poison. Like the rock band.I love the group called Poison. Like the rock band. >> Natalie Imbruglia,Like the rock band. >> Natalie Imbruglia,Like the rock band. >> Natalie Imbruglia, but like, not "Torn.">> Natalie Imbruglia, but like, not "Torn.">> Natalie Imbruglia, but like, not "Torn." Like, all the other songs.but like, not "Torn." Like, all the other songs.but like, not "Torn." Like, all the other songs. >> Selena Gomez.Like, all the other songs. >> Selena Gomez.Like, all the other songs. >> Selena Gomez. She actually has some cute>> Selena Gomez. She actually has some cute>> Selena Gomez. She actually has some cute little ditty bops.She actually has some cute little ditty bops.She actually has some cute little ditty bops. >> Simon and Garfunkel and Ilittle ditty bops. >> Simon and Garfunkel and Ilittle ditty bops. >> Simon and Garfunkel and I don't care who knows it.>> Simon and Garfunkel and I don't care who knows it.>> Simon and Garfunkel and I don't care who knows it. I love them and I think they'redon't care who knows it. I love them and I think they'redon't care who knows it. I love them and I think they're so talented and I wish thatI love them and I think they're so talented and I wish thatI love them and I think they're so talented and I wish that people made music like thatso talented and I wish that people made music like thatso talented and I wish that people made music like that still.people made music like that still.people made music like that still. >> I really like Paramore and Istill. >> I really like Paramore and Istill. >> I really like Paramore and I don't know, I can never tell if>> I really like Paramore and I don't know, I can never tell if>> I really like Paramore and I don't know, I can never tell if it's like, not okay or okay.don't know, I can never tell if it's like, not okay or okay.don't know, I can never tell if it's like, not okay or okay. I can't tell if it's like, coolit's like, not okay or okay. I can't tell if it's like, coolit's like, not okay or okay. I can't tell if it's like, cool or indie cool or just like,I can't tell if it's like, cool or indie cool or just like,I can't tell if it's like, cool or indie cool or just like, eighth grade cool, but I likeor indie cool or just like, eighth grade cool, but I likeor indie cool or just like, eighth grade cool, but I like Paramore.eighth grade cool, but I like Paramore.eighth grade cool, but I like Paramore. >> I do have the albumParamore. >> I do have the albumParamore. >> I do have the album "Brother For Sale" by Mary-Kate>> I do have the album "Brother For Sale" by Mary-Kate>> I do have the album "Brother For Sale" by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen on my iPod."Brother For Sale" by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen on my iPod."Brother For Sale" by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen on my iPod. And I do listen to the ones,and Ashley Olsen on my iPod. And I do listen to the ones,and Ashley Olsen on my iPod. And I do listen to the ones, a couple songs.And I do listen to the ones, a couple songs.And I do listen to the ones, a couple songs. >> A random smattering ofa couple songs. >> A random smattering ofa couple songs. >> A random smattering of Ludacris songs.>> A random smattering of Ludacris songs.>> A random smattering of Ludacris songs. Usually the ones that are likeLudacris songs. Usually the ones that are likeLudacris songs. Usually the ones that are like really offensive to women.Usually the ones that are like really offensive to women.Usually the ones that are like really offensive to women. But it's really fun to be like,really offensive to women. But it's really fun to be like,really offensive to women. But it's really fun to be like, I'm this and be like, I also canBut it's really fun to be like, I'm this and be like, I also canI'm this and be like, I also cansing "Youzza Ho"in its entirety.in its entirety. >> "How do you tellin its entirety. >> "How do you tell "when you crossed the line from>> "How do you tell "when you crossed the line from>> "How do you tell "when you crossed the line from "idolizing to an obsession?"when you crossed the line from "idolizing to an obsession?"idolizing to an obsession?Ha ha."I love the "ha ha".I love the "ha ha". It's like, just kidding.I love the "ha ha". It's like, just kidding. Right?It's like, just kidding. Right?It's like, just kidding. Right? >> If you stalk your favoriteRight? >> If you stalk your favoriteRight? >> If you stalk your favorite artist everywhere you go.>> If you stalk your favorite artist everywhere you go.>> If you stalk your favorite artist everywhere you go. If you're like, getting tattoosartist everywhere you go. If you're like, getting tattoosartist everywhere you go. If you're like, getting tattoos of them on your face.If you're like, getting tattoos of them on your face.If you're like, getting tattoos of them on your face. You've crossed a line.of them on your face. You've crossed a line.of them on your face. You've crossed a line. It's too much.You've crossed a line. It's too much.You've crossed a line. It's too much. >> From one bona fide stalker toIt's too much. >> From one bona fide stalker toIt's too much. >> From one bona fide stalker to one prospective stalker,>> From one bona fide stalker to one prospective stalker,>> From one bona fide stalker to one prospective stalker, watch yourself.one prospective stalker, watch yourself.one prospective stalker, watch yourself. >> That's it for this episodewatch yourself. >> That's it for this episodewatch yourself. >> That's it for this episode of "GirlCode".>> That's it for this episode of "GirlCode".>> That's it for this episode of "GirlCode". But before you set your sightsof "GirlCode". But before you set your sightsof "GirlCode". But before you set your sights on stardom, remember:But before you set your sights on stardom, remember:But before you set your sights on stardom, remember: >> Nobody ever got discovered inon stardom, remember: >> Nobody ever got discovered inon stardom, remember: >> Nobody ever got discovered in their shower, unless they were a>> Nobody ever got discovered in their shower, unless they were a>> Nobody ever got discovered in their shower, unless they were a dead body.their shower, unless they were a dead body.their shower, unless they were a dead body. And then you're probably notdead body. And then you're probably notdead body. And then you're probably not singing.And then you're probably not singing.And then you're probably not singing. You probably sang your lostsinging. You probably sang your lostsinging. You probably sang your lost song, my love.You probably sang your lost song, my love.You probably sang your lost song, my love. >> Don't be afraid to sing loudsong, my love. >> Don't be afraid to sing loudsong, my love. >> Don't be afraid to sing loud and proud.>> Don't be afraid to sing loud and proud.>> Don't be afraid to sing loud and proud. >> At that moment, you areand proud. >> At that moment, you areand proud. >> At that moment, you are Mariah Carey.>> At that moment, you are Mariah Carey.>> At that moment, you are Mariah Carey. That's when you hit those highMariah Carey. That's when you hit those highMariah Carey. That's when you hit those high notes.That's when you hit those high notes.That's when you hit those high notes. That's when you use the hand.notes. That's when you use the hand.notes. That's when you use the hand. That's when you go up and downThat's when you use the hand. That's when you go up and downThat's when you use the hand. That's when you go up and down and like, you know, hold thatThat's when you go up and down and like, you know, hold thatThat's when you go up and down and like, you know, hold that ear in.and like, you know, hold that ear in.and like, you know, hold that ear in. You go.ear in. You go.ear in. You go. That's your time to shine.You go. That's your time to shine.You go. That's your time to shine. >> Music in the bedroom isn'tThat's your time to shine. >> Music in the bedroom isn'tThat's your time to shine. >> Music in the bedroom isn't always sexy.>> Music in the bedroom isn't always sexy.>> Music in the bedroom isn't always sexy. >> I don't like listening toalways sexy. >> I don't like listening toalways sexy. >> I don't like listening to music when I'm having sex>> I don't like listening to music when I'm having sex>> I don't like listening to music when I'm having sex because I'm 100% sure I'll bemusic when I'm having sex because I'm 100% sure I'll bemusic when I'm having sex because I'm 100% sure I'll be like, "Ooh, that's my jam!"because I'm 100% sure I'll be like, "Ooh, that's my jam!"because I'm 100% sure I'll be like, "Ooh, that's my jam!" >> It's "GirlCode".like, "Ooh, that's my jam!" >> It's "GirlCode".>> It's "GirlCode".