วันอังคารที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Photoshop: Make a Multi-Directional, Optical Illusion, Photo Portrait

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you how to create a surreal,trippy, multi-directional portrait from a face photographed in profile and the sameface photographed facing forward. For illustration purposes, I provided this face facing forwardand in profile, so you can follow along. Because they're not for redistribution, I embeddedwatermarks on them, but you can apply the techniques that I'll be showing you to yourown photos. The first step is to make a selection around your subject, so we can isolate theface from the background. There are many to make selections, but for this example, I'lluse the Quick Selection Tool. I'll use a size of 9 pixels and drag over the subject untilher face is completely selected. At the top, click the Refine Edge button or you can go to Select and Refine Edge. I did an in-depth tutorial on Refine Edge, so to save time,I won't be going over all the details here.Check "Smart Radius" and increase the Radius a little. Brush over the hair and output it as a New Layer with Layer Mask. Then, click OK. Notice, in the Layers panel, you now have a new layer with a layer mask of the selectionnext to it. Open the file of the subject facing forward. Make a selection around the subject,refine its edge and brush over the hair. This time, save it as a "New Layer". Make the bottom layer visible and active. We'll fill it with white. First, make sure your foreground andbackground colors are black and white, respectively. If they aren't press "D" on your keyboard.Since the background color is white, press Ctrl or Cmd + Delete. Open back up your subject's profile. We need to place it into the "face forward" document. Press "v" toopen your Move Tool and drag the image onto the profile's tab. Without releasing yourmouse or pen, press and hold Shift as you drag it down on the image and release. PressingShift kept this document centered. Drag the top layer below the middle layer and dragthe layer mask next to the middle layer. Temporarily hide the top layer by clicking off the eyeball next to it. Click off the chain link between the middle layer and the layer mask. Thiswill allow us to move and resize the layer and/or the layer mask independently of eachother. Click the layer to make it active. To resize and position the face, so the lipsare synced up with the lips of the profile, open your Transform Tool by pressing Ctrlor Cmd + T. First, go inside the Transform and drag your image, so the lips are alignedwith the lips on the profile. To enlarge the face, go to a corner and when you see a diagonal,double-arrow, press and hold Shift as you drag the corner out. When the face is sizedand aligned to its profile counterpart, press Enter or Return. Next, we'll replace the face forward nose with nose from the profile. If you look at it long enough, this creates amind-bending, optical illusion that melds two different perspectives of the same face. Make the profile visible and active. Click the Layer mask icon to make a layer mask next to the profile.Invert the layer mask by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + I.Invert your foreground and background colors by pressing "x" on your keyboard. Open your Brush Tool and open your Brush picker.I'll make the size of 90 pixels. The Hardness is 0% and the Opacity and Flow are both 100%.Brush over the area to reveal the profile nose. To mask out areas, press "x" to place black on your brush and before you start brushing again, make your brush smaller by pressingthe left bracket key on your keyboard. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. Thanks for watching!

