Cindy Crawford's unretouched image causes a stirCindy Crawford's body is making headlines - but not for the usual reasons. On Friday,an un-retouched image of the supermodel that leaked from a Marie Claire photoshoot causedsome serious hubbub as it began circulating around the Internet.The Photoshop-free snap shows Crawford wearing black lingerie and has been re-posted andre-blogged everywhere. Fans have been giving kudos to both Marie Claire and Crawford fortheir bravery at showing a beautiful woman embracing her flaws.Originally the photo was posted on Twitter and was said to be for an upcoming issue ofMarie Claire magazine that was featuring non-Photoshopped images. But it turns out the picture is actuallythe un-retouched version of the December 2013 cover story from Marie Claire Mexico and LatinAmerica. Marie Claire confirmed the image was a leaked photo.But it is possible Crawford will take the leak in stride. Just last week, the 48-year-oldtalked about aging gracefully to Marie Claire. At the premiere of her documentary Hospitalin the Sky, the mother of two said: "I really think - at any age - it's learning to be comfortablein your own skin. If women would treat themselves with the same kind of love they give to theirfriends, that would be such a great gift we could give ourselves. What makes you the mostattractive is self-confidence. That's what people see."